Why we need to ask for help
By Jena Griffiths | May 27, 2015
Usually I’m pretty hopeless at reaching out and asking for help. Most of us are. We feel weak reaching out but actually the opposite is true. The other day I heard Brendon Burchard say that he has made it a daily practice to asking one other person for help every day. Why? It keeps him feeling humble and connected! What an enchanting idea. It reminds me of Brene Brown who says, “Vulnerability is a most accurate measurement of courage. It is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness but it’s also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love.”
Receiving is also giving. It is a way to help others feel valuable and appreciated.
We fear revealing our of soft underbelly but this is what makes us loveable. Vulnerability is the glue that holds people, couples, societies and even nations together.
Or as they say in Africa, “Ubuntu”. I am because you are. You are because I am.
I like to think of it this way: we switch our own light off a moment so that others can shine.
Some personality strengths may get in the way of your asking for help.
Strong self reliant or stoic characteristics. You can see some of these characteristics in your hands.
Think of reaching out as just one more muscle (a soft tender muscle deep inside) that needs strengthening too.
Here is what I’m going to do.
Make a wish list of all the things I need help with and post it somewhere visible.
Make it a daily habit. Each day I will reach out and ask for help from one other person.
Yiiii…did I say that?
What’s your action plan? Share it below if you dare.
Topics: Fear of success/ fear of failure, Showing Up | No Comments »
Just ask yourself 4 Questions (interview with Byron Katie)
By Jena Griffiths | May 9, 2015
Byron Katie has helped millions of people with ‘The Work’ – a way of questioning and releasing whatever is causing you much suffering.
The following 4 questions are Byron Katie’s gift to humanity.
They are the core of doing ‘The Work’
Here is how I see it:
If you are staring down the throat of an angry lion, all you see are sharp teeth and nothing else.
What to do?
This may surprise you.
Just ask yourself these 4 questions.
1) Is it true?
2) Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
3) How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
4) Who would you be without the thought?
Then do something to shift your perspective.
Turn the thought you are currently breathing life into upside down or inside out.
Instead of thinking “I’m being eaten by a lion”
try on other thoughts for size. Such as, “I’m not being eaten by a lion”,
or “I’m being eaten up by myself” (I am being devoured by my own thoughts)
or “The lion is being eaten by me.” (I am conquering my own thoughts).
Each of these reversals gives you a millisecond to catch yourself
in the act of doing something rather miraculous.
What’s that?
Being the creator –
in the moment.
You are not doing anything wrong. You are simply being creative.
The 4 Qs let you see you have a choice.
Your life is your canvas.
Your thoughts are the colors on your paintbrush.
Stop. Breathe. Smile.
But….there’s no time for all this while being eaten alive?
Try step 1 again……..
I’ve been practicing these 4Qs the last few days. Trying to calm down
and step into a bigger version of myself after getting a yes from
Byron Katie to do an interview for Earth School.
My first thought was yiii..am I really good enough?
So, then I thought, let’s test this process.
Question 1. Is this really true?
I started laughing and was instantly cured.
Give it a try yourself and let me know.
To find out more or to submit questions for this call go here.
Byron Katie will be in Europe giving workshops and talks throughout July.
Topics: Being in transition, Burnout cures, Dealing with the inner critic, Depression Cures, Fear of success/ fear of failure, General, Relationship problems, self esteem, Showing Up, spirit, suicide | No Comments »
Byron Katie says yes to Switzerland
By Jena Griffiths | May 3, 2015
“It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.” Byron Katie
Byron Katie will be sharing her wisdom with us in Earth School’s open auditorium in a few weeks and she will be doing a European tour in July (Amsterdam, Swiss Alps, Paris, Zurich, Cologne and Bad Neuenahr, Germany.)
I’m deeply honored to do this interview as personally I think Katie’s simple “4 questions” process is the biggest breakthrough ever in psychology to end human suffering. It will certainly end your own suffering if you try it.
Byron Katie is a spiritual mentor to millions of people around the world and author of several books, such as Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life.
Byron Katie calls her method of self-inquiry “The Work”:
“I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment.”
Join us for this interview and submit questions.
The Work is a way of identifying and questioning any stressful thought. It consists of four questions and a turnaround. This is a way of experiencing the opposite of what you believe.
If you are going through hell right now with a problem, particularly a relationship problem, put your experience through Katie’s simple 4 question process.
The four questions are:
1) Is it true?
2) Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
3) How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought? and
4) Who would you be without the thought?
The turnaround involves considering the thought in a reversed form- changing subject and object, changing yes and no, or changing it to be self-referential. For example, for the thought “My husband should treat me better,” turnarounds could include “I should treat my husband better,” “I should treat myself better,” or “My husband shouldn’t treat me better.”…
Try the 4 questions on anything that is bothering you right now. Give yourself the gift in these 4 questions and really taken the time to do the work. More detail on how to do The Work
More about Byron Katie Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic, Relationship problems | 2 Comments »
Interview with Nicholas Janni – Awakened Leadership
By Jena Griffiths | April 29, 2015
Next interview in Earth School will be with Nicholas Janni.
We will be discussing ‘Awakened Leadership’
What are the new cutting-edge competencies of leadership, and how can we tune into to the highest future possibilities of a bigger ‘we’.
Friday, May 1, 2015 Elsewhere.
Replay is here.
Nicholas is doing really important work in field that impacts us all. He’s at the leading edge of bringing higher levels of consciousness into the business world.
More about Nicholas Janni
Nicholas Janni is the founder of the leadership consultancy Core Presence . Over the past twelve years he has gained an international reputation for his seminars and coaching, in which he bridges the worlds of creative, personal, spiritual and professional development in a uniquely powerful, accessible and relevant way. He delivers seminars and coaching to CEO’s, boards and senior leaders worldwide. Nicholas is an Associate Fellow at The University of Oxford Said Business School and teaches at IMD in Lausanne. He is also a director of Circular Society a global platform for social impact.
Topics: spirit | No Comments »
Earth Day is every day
By Jena Griffiths | April 23, 2015
Last Sunday I went to visit Thomas Rippel on the farm where he is learning the craft of turning straw into gold. When I interviewed Thomas a few weeks ago he hold me that the secret to preserving cow manure, and preventing it from rotting, was not to remove any of it from the barn the whole long winter. When manure rots it gives off ammonia and methane into the atmosphere. But if you can prevent it from breaking down you can then use it later to make rich humus for your lands. This rich humus not only nourishes plants, it also holds a huge amount of carbon in the soil that would otherwise go into the atmosphere.
So instead of cows contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming they are actually part of the solution. Straw gets added on top of the manure on the ground daily and the cows simply compress what is under their feet. It keeps them warm and content in winter and, surprisingly, doesn’t stink at all. The compression of the manure prevents it breaking down and emitting toxic substances. Virtually all ammonia emissions are prevented.
I think this is a breakthrough idea and totally do-able on a larger scale. In fact, Thomas is currently consulting for an EU project where this method is being applied to a stable with 1500 cows. It is a tried and tested method. Thomas learned his craft of soil regeneration from someone who has been practicing and perfecting it for generations. The best part is, Thomas is not keeping the recipe a secret. He has a mission to share this solution for our soils, our atmosphere and our earth with the whole world.
You can listen to the interview with Thomas here.
Visit and like his website here: Swiss Bio Farmer Or get him to consult in your area.
Topics: climate change, ecology and nature, Environment | 4 Comments »
Next Interview – the shaman of pleasure
By Jena Griffiths | April 13, 2015
This Thursday in Earth School’s free auditorium – Stewart Blackburn – the shaman of pleasure. Stewart will be with us all the way from Hawaii.
We’ll be discussing self-empowerment and the Seven Principles of Huna.
What has this to do with stopping self-criticism, becoming one’s own authority, and learning to be happy with our own uniqueness?
Access the replay here.
More about Stewart
Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Uncategorized | No Comments »
Can cows save the planet?
By Jena Griffiths | April 9, 2015
Normally we think of cows as being the problem rather than the solution. I spoke to innovative Swiss farmer, Thomas Rippel about how cows can help prevent acid rain, reduce global warming and enrich farm soils. read more about this – click here
I think Thomas is onto something big. How about you? Here’s the interview:
“The soil is our most precious resource,” says Thomas. It is nature’s natural storehouse. Enriching our soil with living humus is an efficient way to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
More about Thomas Rippel
Topics: climate change, ecology and nature, Environment | No Comments »
Can your shadow help you shine?
By Jena Griffiths | March 24, 2015
I remember the day my son discovered his shadow. He was a toddler at the time, not quite two. We were sailing around the world and had stopped in at Galle on the south coast of Sri Lanka to pick up friends for the passage to Maldives.
One afternoon we explored the ruins of the old fort that guarded the port. It was a scorching hot day. The light was intense even though it must have been fairly late in the afternoon. Our shadows were tall. They had a black liquid life of their own as they danced and skipped over the baked ground and bleached walls. No shade at all except for brief splashes under arches or door frames.
At one point a tiny shadow child in a huge hat danced on the wall in front of us. He was connected to Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Uncategorized | No Comments »
Today’s lows are tomorrow’s highs
By Jena Griffiths | March 17, 2015
“It’s not what happens that matters, it’s who you become.” Hal Elrod
I’m fascinated by the footprints in snow, and what they reveal over time.
Similarly, have you ever noticed how the most terrible thing that ever happened to you turns out to be the best thing that ever happened?
We are formed under tremendous pressure, and when the events finally wash away, our character and experience are all that remain.
Shift your perspective to “yes” and see what happens next.
Here are 3 people I admire who have overcome severe health issues.
Their footprints are now signposts for the rest of us.
How did they do it?
If you have any health issues right make a serious study of the following 3 people. Even if you don’t have serious health issues, their experiences help us with our own hurdles.
For Hal Elrod – Author of Miracle Morning and survivor of a terrible car crash – it was acceptance and gratitude. “I can’t change where I am right now” (unconditional acceptance of current circumstance/finding peace instead of resisting what is ) enabled him to do radical healing.
Hal says “ when you don’t accept the things you can’t change, whether it is in your own life or in a relationship, you create negativity and that negativity takes up all the space for love and joy and gratitude and positivity. But when you accept all things you can’t change, you create space to invite anything you want into your life.”
His key points:
Accept all things you can’t change.
Be grateful for everything – positive and negative. (It is what it is. Choose gratitude rather than frustration)
Create daily progress towards becoming the person you need to be to live your vision
For Martin Inderbitzin, cancer survivor, it was setting a huge physical goal in the future. (A triathlon when he could hardly walk to the bathroom.)
For Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to be me, it was finding joy.
Love your past. Love where you are now.
I feel deeply inspired by these three “survivors” Each setback is an opportunity to demonstrate our ability to overcome it.
Topics: Health | No Comments »
Coming soon in Earth School – Stephen Busby
By Jena Griffiths | March 13, 2015
Lots of interesting interviews coming up in the coming weeks
March 26, I’ll be interviewing Stephen Busby on living from higher consciousness
8pm Switzerland/CET, 7pm UK, USA Pacific noon. Elsewhere.
Stephen has spent over 30 years’ exploring higher human potential and purpose in himself and others. He helps individuals bring their own inner work out into their external work environment and out into the world in a larger more participatory way.
Attend this call here + more information.
Forthcoming open auditorium interviews in April
Stewart Blackburn – the pleasure shaman and author of The Skills of Pleasure, Crafting the Life You Want April 15 2015
Thomas Rippel – Cows and climate – Can farming with heart save the planet? TBA
Become a free member to be notified about these and other upcoming calls.
Topics: Being in transition, Coming Soon, spirit | No Comments »