Why we need to ask for help

By Jena Griffiths | May 27, 2015

Usually I’m pretty hopeless at reaching out and asking for help. Most of us are. We feel weak reaching out but actually the opposite is true. The other day I heard Brendon Burchard say that he has made it a daily practice to asking one other person for help every day. Why? It keeps him feeling humble and connected! What an enchanting idea. It reminds me of Brene Brown who says, “Vulnerability is a most accurate measurement of courage. It is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness but it’s also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love.”

Receiving is also giving. It is a way to help others feel valuable and appreciated.
We fear revealing our of soft underbelly but this is what makes us loveable. Vulnerability is the glue that holds people, couples, societies and even nations together.
Or as they say in Africa, “Ubuntu”. I am because you are. You are because I am.
I like to think of it this way: we switch our own light off a moment so that others can shine.

Some personality strengths may get in the way of your asking for help.
Strong self reliant or stoic characteristics. You can see some of these characteristics in your hands.

Think of reaching out as just one more muscle (a soft tender muscle deep inside) that needs strengthening too.

Here is what I’m going to do.
Make a wish list of all the things I need help with and post it somewhere visible.
Make it a daily habit. Each day I will reach out and ask for help from one other person.
Yiiii…did I say that?

What’s your action plan? Share it below if you dare.

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