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Helping through entanglement

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

The other day someone shared a powerful exercise in our small sangha that is really so simple but a complete game changer. This is about feeling gratitude on behalf of someone else even if their good fortune doesn’t apply to you and your current circumstances. For example, they get to do a course you wanted […]

What can you do to help future generations?

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Autumn is the time of year that reminds me that each one of us is like a leaf, both ordinary and extraordinary. Our lives are fleeting and, like leaves, even when we can no longer contribute as we did before we can still contribute long into winter and beyond but in a totally different way. […]

Are you grounded? Interview with Markus Hirzig

Sunday, December 4th, 2016

Some of us have really bad memories when we think of being grounded. Like, being barred up at home with our parents instead of playing with our friends. But what does “being grounded” really mean? December 8, we’ll be talking to Markus Hirzig on why we need to ground ourselves now more than ever before […]

Pain in the world – how can you help?

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

(This article was written in response to the Paris massacre.) The German word for compassion is Mitgefefühl (to feel with) or Mitleid (to suffer with) but this could be a catastrophe for us or the world in general unless we do it consciously. Read the short version about this in Living Now Magazine – December […]

Byron Katie – this week in Earth School

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

“Every story is a variation on a single theme: This shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn’t be having this experience. God is unjust. Life isn’t fair.” ~ Byron Katie, Loving What Is “It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.” Byron Katie shared her wisdom with with us in Earth […]

Just ask yourself 4 Questions (interview with Byron Katie)

Saturday, May 9th, 2015

Byron Katie has helped millions of people with ‘The Work’ – a way of questioning and releasing whatever is causing you much suffering. The following 4 questions are Byron Katie’s gift to humanity. They are the core of doing ‘The Work’ Here is how I see it: If you are staring down the throat of […]

Ending the struggle

Friday, November 7th, 2014

I was listening to Arielle Ford interview Neale Donald Walsch last night while riding my indoor bike (snow outside). Neale was talking about how to end the struggle in your life by expressing your divinity. Neale has distilled his teachings into three main principles. I thought I’d post his key ideas here because I totally […]

Tribute to Robin Williams – Carpe Diem

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

“Seize the day. ” This is the message Robin Williams leaves us with. Loud and clear, even in his final act. Dear Robbie, we salute you. Go well great spirit. We never know what’s realyl going on in another person’s life. If you are contemplating suicide, please try this: Lie on your back. Knees bent. […]

Think like a diver – part 1 and 2

Monday, May 27th, 2013

“Fear is excitement without the breath.” Fritz Perls The principles of getting out of a dark place 1. add more air (lightness) to go up (For example gratitude, appreciation even if you don’t know why.) 2. trust – like deep divers, we are always connected. 3. remember to breathe Here are my thoughts about how […]

Are you suffering from writer’s block?

Friday, February 15th, 2013

“Is it rational that anyone should be afraid of the work they were put on this earth to do?” Elizabeth Gilbert Here’s a wonderful revelation by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love) on misplaced ownership of genius, why writers struggle and become “undone” by their work and what to do. Watch her Ted talk […]

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