What is Earth School?

“I like to think of the Earth as a School, and we’ve all come to this school to learn how to be totally creative and deliberate with our intentions and our thoughts and our feelings…. So, as long as you’re in school, you’re in school. Have a good time with it!” Jack Canfield – Effortless Success

Earth School is a place of learning, packed with advice from people who have wisdom to share. The focus is on unlocking human potential. Jena interviews experts across a broad range of self help fields.

And the ear?
hand analysis classes with the mastersOriginal thinking behind the ear
Earth school is shaped like an ear because this is where new information comes in. Then gets interpreted. Interpretation is the key to all change. By changing the stories you tell yourself (your interpretation of events) you change your experience.
How does this work?
Changing your interpretation changes how you feel; your emotions. This is called re-framing. Your emotions and feelings influence your frequency. Changing your frequency allows you to attract other experiences and people into your life. It also allows you to see other possibilities and opportunities right in front of you that you perhaps haven’t noticed before, or acted upon.
Your frequency is driven by your feeling state. The program governing this feeling state ( what makes you feel fulfilled and what triggers you) is visible in your fingerprints. Knowing your own pattern helps you see the game you are playing and hence shift radically. If you would liek a free lesson on this you will get one when you sign in.
More about the ear in ear-thschool?
Rationale behind the ear
Listening with your h(ear)t
Are you a noun or a verb?

Who founded Earth School?

Earth School was founded on 24 September 2010 by Jena Griffiths, based in Zürich, Switzerland. Earth School was originally a self help site but it’s now shifted focus towards planetary survival. There’s a sister site called Earthuni where the focus is on presencing the collective trauma within us all. Both are currently non profit projects.
Jena is a BA BSc hons graduate from the University of Cape Town (Majors: Psychology, Social Anthropology and Geography). Post grad degrees in meteorology, environmental impact and Education.
More writing by Jena

Earth School
Hinterbergstrasse 9
Sternenberg, 8499 Zurich

Tel: 00 41 791010438

Click here to contact Earth School via email

professional hand analyst

Earth School Founder Jena Griffiths

Jena Griffiths
BA BSc (hons) PCE, CHA, AHA, MHA.
“It is my prayer that this website will help our planet including us humans as we are part of Earth’s biosphere.” says Jena.