self esteem

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Just ask yourself 4 Questions (interview with Byron Katie)

Saturday, May 9th, 2015

Byron Katie has helped millions of people with ‘The Work’ – a way of questioning and releasing whatever is causing you much suffering. The following 4 questions are Byron Katie’s gift to humanity. They are the core of doing ‘The Work’ Here is how I see it: If you are staring down the throat of […]

Surviving menopause

Monday, December 1st, 2014

Sometimes we have a midlife crisis and we don’t realise we are having it. The world gets shaky under our feet or it feels like things are falling apart, and we are not sure if it is us or the world doing the shaking. This is a bit like puberty all over again but without […]

Ending the struggle

Friday, November 7th, 2014

I was listening to Arielle Ford interview Neale Donald Walsch last night while riding my indoor bike (snow outside). Neale was talking about how to end the struggle in your life by expressing your divinity. Neale has distilled his teachings into three main principles. I thought I’d post his key ideas here because I totally […]

Interview with Noah Pikes – Finding your Voice

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Can you inhabit more of your potential by improving the range of your voice? Next up in the Earth School free auditorium is voice expert Noah Pikes. We’ll be discussing archetypes and the healing voice – June 21 2013 4pm Central Europe, 3 pm UK, 10am Eastern, 7 am pacific. Elsewhere Noah Pikes has been […]

Next Topic call – Right Saturn Life lesson

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

The next few weeks we’re exploring themes related to contracts, accountability, responsibility, money and personal integrity. If these are issues for you then chances are you have a Right Saturn Life Lesson. We’ll be discussing how this all connects and what to do about it in our next topic call with Richard Unger, author of […]

Jean Houston and awakening to your life purpose

Monday, May 20th, 2013

“Stop boring God!” Jean Houston I’m currently immersing myself in the work of Jean Houston and am amazed at how similar her work is to ours. We’ve been talking quite a lot about “the big you and the little you” as a powerful way of working with Richard Unger’s LifePrints fingerprints system. Can the “big […]

Are you guilty?

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Some of us feel guilty even when we shouldn’t. Others don’t feel a pang of remorse even though they leave a path of devastation in their wake. Or is it us leaving the devastation? We just don’t realize it!? Yikes. Perfect fodder to mull over this month. Why? Our topic this month in Earth School […]

Are you suffering from writer’s block?

Friday, February 15th, 2013

“Is it rational that anyone should be afraid of the work they were put on this earth to do?” Elizabeth Gilbert Here’s a wonderful revelation by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love) on misplaced ownership of genius, why writers struggle and become “undone” by their work and what to do. Watch her Ted talk […]

Happiness tip 2: vulnerability

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

“Vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness but it’s also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love” – Brene Brown I don’t know about you, but I really suck when it comes to asking for help or showing my vulnerable side. Yet it turns out that […]

Phyllis Krystal to mentor us every week in Earth School

Monday, June 11th, 2012

“I give people hope.” says Phyllis Krystal She’s 98 and still traveling around the world, giving seminars to thousands of people. And now Phyllis has agreed to come online every week to share her wisdom with the rest of us, even though she doesn’t own a computer, nor want one. How will this be possible? […]

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