spiritual collaboration
By Jena Griffiths | May 14, 2011
Last Wednesday eve I attended Marina Borruso’s mini workshop on living in the present.
Marina radiated calm, her smiling eyes dancing among the audience while her beautiful nature photos punctuated her words of wisdom.

Marina Borruso with her brother and his family. (Photo: Julia Newton)
During the talk Marina demonstrated a simple method of bringing yourself into the present by
focusing on your body and its inner vibrancy.
She also demonstrated how you can lessen pain by not fighting it – through surrender to what is.
One of the points Marina made was that we rush between past and future leaving out the now
because we are afraid of feeling. This surplus of unfelt pain then gets stored in the body.
Each time we bring old pain back to the surface we give ourselves a genuine opportunity to feel it rather than again simply stuff one’s feelings.
A woman in the audience started talking about how she had found her father dead when she was a young child. And how guilty she felt then, and over the years, for not having felt anything in the moment.
She described how seeing her dad dead had caused her to leave her body to avoid feeling pain.
Together with the audience’s presence, Marina helped the woman feel the loss of her father and let go of this pain by being present and fully experiencing it.
It was a powerful moment and beautiful example of spiritual collaboration. Suddenly we had a perfect demonstration of exactly what Marina had been explaining, up until that point, in theory. After this, we got in touch with a premier psychic network , who offered to help us and help us grow in the path of spirituality.
The concept of an inner body
Most teachers of presence recommend focusing on one’s breath as one cannot breathe in the past or the future, only in the now. I like Marina’s simple alternative of focusing on an awareness of the inner body.
This teachnique is similar to what Michael Murphy describes in Golf in the Kingdom – a fascinating account of how he met and befriended an eccentric Scottish golf pro who taught how to work with this inner body on the golf course.
Naturally, if you can read Italian, then also read Marina’s books on how to do this. She has written several.
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Marina Bossaro on how to live in the present in difficult times
By jennagriffiths | April 28, 2011
I’ve just interviewed Marina Borruso for Earth School.
Marina gave practical tips on how to let go of our thoughts and shift into conscious living.
She also shared a bit about her relationship over a 30 year period with Eckard Tolle.
It was fascinating talking to her.
She often said the exact opposite to what I thought she would.
Such as?
Nothing bad can happen to you unless you DON’T allow it.
(In other words, by resisting things you cause them to happen.)
If you think of the principle – every action has a equal and opposite reaction.
Perhaps sometimes we create something by already resisting/creating the reaction.)
This is a profound thought.
Marina suggests non resistence (acceptance of what) is as the first step out of a difficult situation.
This does not mean denial, nor non-action. But more a surrendering to what is.
How to be present and accepting?
Marina advises adopting a state of awareness of one’s vitality, breath and bodily presence that enables
us to intuit what action to take in the moment.
Here’s the replay of the call http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=19084620
If you’d like to meet Marina in person, she will be giving a practical workshop in Zürich at 6pm on 11 May 2011
in the Birke-Seminarraum, Gästehaus Nidelbad, Rüschlikon (www.gh.nidelbad.ch)
Cost 25 Fr.
To book for this event contact ZIWA coaching group or register at thowels@bluewin.ch or call Francesca on 043 305 70 45.
Topics: Being in transition | No Comments »
Transition as a continuous process
By jennagriffiths | April 28, 2011
On the call yesterday with Vaishali we continued with the canoeing analogy.
Seeing yourself as a canoest on the river called life.
Life is constant change and every moment is a state of transition and unfolding.
Vaishali said we need to see our lives without preconceived ideas or expectations.
Like young children do.
Actually watching children grow is a good way to understand transition.
If we mothers could freeze frame our children’s lives probably we would.
Fortunately this isn’t possible.
Every time I blink my son seems to have grown another inch.
On the call we also discussed how sometimes, when its time to make a radical transition one feels compelled to change one’s name. This could just be minor changes like I do (for every new cycle in my life) or a radical change like Vaishali did, where she took on a single sacred name and dropped her first name entirely.
Vaishali’s message: transition means opportunity. Embrace it.
Vaishali will be in Dublin, Ireland 26 to 29 May 2011
To book and more about her tour and workshops visit
You can listen to the replay of our call inside the free auditorium of Earth School.
Topics: Being in transition | No Comments »
Finding your power animal in Zurich
By jennagriffiths | April 27, 2011
The call yesterday with Itzhak was fascinating.
Here’s the replay:
What did we discuss?
Here are just some of the questions I asked Itzhak during the call.
=What are power animals?
=How they are different from other spirits or saint and angels?
=Can each person/child find power animals?
=From what age is good to teach children?
=What can they teach a child?
=Can children transform to become their animal spirits?
=Is it safe for children to use them?
=Could my child get lost in the spirit world?
=What are the benefits for children and adults?
=Can you give me some example of what children’s you taught feel after theses sessions?
=Can you give me some example of what teachers said after theses sessions?
=Why do you think it is important to teach these techniques to today’s children?
Questions from listeners:
How permanent are these power animals?
How can I be sure I got the right vision at the start?
Can I change to a new power animal if I want?
How can one know that our life continues after the death of the body?
More about Itzhak’s work with power animals
and his forthcoming workshops in Zürich.
Also testimonials from educators and scholars.
To book a journey with Itzhak while he is in Switzerland contact Jeanette on 044-8255991.
Join a 3 hour journey organised through Earth School or your own private workshop at your school or business.
Private consultations are also possible.
My experience with Itzhak
I had a private session with Itzhak when he was last in Zürich 2 years ago.
His work is brilliant. He was able to get immediately to the core of the problem I had at the time and help resolve it.
His journeys to find your power animal are an excellent introduction to his work.
These workshops help children, youth and adults become more self trusting and self reliant.
He has worked with schools in the USA for over 12 years.
He’ll give 3 of these journeys at the American Women’s Club Fri 17th and Sat 18th June 2011.
Sun 19th – 21st he’s available for private sessions or private groups.
250 for 90 minutes.
private groups: 500 for 3 hours.
More about Itzhak
Here’s another interview I did with Itzhak last year – a great one on his general work.
eg helping with depression
Itzhak Beery, Israeli native, is a NYC-based shamanic practitioner who conducts shamanic healing ceremonies, teaches workshops for adults, seniors, teens and children in the USA, Europe, Israel and Hawaii and co-lead trips to Brazil’s Amazon.
He has been running empowering workshops for schools in the USA for over 12 years, helping children connect with nature and themselves. Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Being in transition, Fun | No Comments »
Feast week in Earth School?
By Jena Griffiths | April 25, 2011
This coming week is feast week in Earth School – the theme is transition.
We’ve got 4 calls scheduled!