Hand Analysis

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Richard Unger on broken life lines and heart lines – replay

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

While walking in the woods this morning I had the sudden inspiration to open the doors to our member calls with Richard Unger next two weeks because we are covering such a controversial tropic – broken life lines and heart lines. Enjoy! Call 1 Call 2 Second call on Broken Life lines and Broken Heart […]

Earth School has a new campus! Meet Earthuni

Sunday, February 21st, 2016

Earth School now has a second campus called Earthuni. The site you are on is where you will find guides who can help you with specific challenges. Earthuni focuses on developing subtle body competencies. Our guide here is Markus Hirzig Access archive of all previous interviews – go here Looking for hand info? Access free […]

Inhabiting your life purpose

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

“Life purpose is a consciousness to inhabit, not an action to take.” Richard Unger I’ve written my thoughts on doing vs being here and how the first step needs to be yin rather than yang. Plus here’s another article I came across you might like to read called the paradox of non-doing. But how does […]

Richard Unger on Success as a Life Purpose

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

A new series of calls starts today with Jena Griffiths interviewing Richard Unger on Life Purpose This is a profound exploration on how to manifest your purpose when it seems like life is bent on taking you in the opposite direction. Each month we explore one of 14 key life purposes, how they express and […]

Earth School – 2015 Early Birds

Monday, December 1st, 2014

Another year of Earth School classes with Richard Unger starts soon. In 2015 we will be exploring the Life Purposes in depth. We’ll also be exploring Heart and the Spiritual Journey markers. For all hand analysis calls in the reference libraryAccess here

Ending the struggle

Friday, November 7th, 2014

I was listening to Arielle Ford interview Neale Donald Walsch last night while riding my indoor bike (snow outside). Neale was talking about how to end the struggle in your life by expressing your divinity. Neale has distilled his teachings into three main principles. I thought I’d post his key ideas here because I totally […]

Sleep and brain repair

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

Jeff Iliff: One more reason to get a good night’s sleep Cerebrospinal fluid runs on the outside of blood vessels to clear the waste from the brain’s cells – but only while we sleep!

Do you need a spiritual partner?

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

Next hand shape archetype we’re exploring with Richard Unger is called Cosmic Staircase September 23 & 30, 2014 Take a look at your finger tips. Is the pinky finger is much pointier than the other finger tips? The little finger is about communication and pointy tips indicates a person who is spiritually focused. There’s more […]

Persephone and Line of Clairvoyance

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

The next two Gift Marking archetypes we’ll be exploring with Richard Unger in Earth School are The Persephone type and the Line of Clairvoyance type. Watch a free video about gift markers here

The patriarch hand shape

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

The next advanced hand shape archetype we’re exploring in Earth School is the Patriarch. June 17 and 24 2014. This is part of a series of bi-weekly calls with Richard Unger. More about this series here.

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