Be curious and expect miracles

By Jena Griffiths | April 25, 2011

Big Pine Rapids Bail Out on French River

Image by Bobcatnorth (Away) via Flickr

In our call last week Richard Unger gave a
beautiful analogy for that period in your life
when you feel like you’re in “the void.”

When’s that?
When you can’t go back to the old but you
don’t yet know what the new is exactly.

He said, think of yourself as a canoeist
and life is the river.
When you know there are rapids ahead
there’re only 3 things you can actually do:

lighten up. Get rid of everything you don’t need.
sit low /be prepared.
enjoy the ride. It’s exhilarating.

Tom Kenyon, in his latest message from the
Hathors says something incredibly similar.

He offers:
“a practical course of action during
transition states of consciousness.”

Think of Richard’s canoe analogy in
the steps below.

What to do when you reach “void point”

Kenyon’s Hathors say: (a summary)
1. staying in a state of shock or overwhelm
is an indulgence you can’t afford.
2. let go of stories of why things aren’t working
and step into your role as creator.
3. recognize the “void point”. The
“critical transition between an old reality
and a new one.”
4. accept the void (Instead of regretting loss)
Nothing can be done except experiencing it.

5. Be careful what new thoughts and beliefs you put into place.
6. “Be curious and expect miracles.”
(This releases your creative power.)
7. enjoy the journey.

Pretty similar advice.

For the full story by Kenyon go here.
To purchase call with Richard on what your hands say about transition
(before it gets put into the replay shop tomorrow (for $10 more) go here.

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