Next Topic call – Right Saturn Life lesson
By Jena Griffiths | June 3, 2013
The next few weeks we’re exploring themes related to contracts, accountability, responsibility, money and personal integrity.
If these are issues for you then chances are you have a Right Saturn Life Lesson.
We’ll be discussing how this all connects and what to do about it in our next topic call with Richard Unger, author of LifePrints, deciphering your life purpose from your fingerprints.
Tuesday, June 4 2013.
11 am Pacific, 8 pm Switzerland.
Already registered? Log in here.
Like to join this series? Register here.
Topics: Responsibility vs irresponsibility, self esteem | No Comments »
Think like a diver – part 1 and 2
By Jena Griffiths | May 27, 2013
“Fear is excitement without the breath.” Fritz Perls
The principles of getting out of a dark place
1. add more air (lightness) to go up (For example gratitude, appreciation even if you don’t know why.)
2. trust – like deep divers, we are always connected.
3. remember to breathe
Here are my thoughts about how you can use the diving analogy to get yourself out of a dark place or to shift in a flash thanks to understanding your own fingerprints.
Background thinking:
The initiation process we are all engaged in is learning that you can change your reality by consciously changing your emotional response to any event. For example, by learning to manage your energy through re-framing (choosing a different interpretation of what happened or why) plus self compassion/acceptance and forgiveness. This enables you to shift vibrationally and thereby changing outcomes. Hence the formula: doing your sacred work (conscious awareness and acceptance of yourself while wrestling with your life themes) unlocks your life purpose.
Read these posts on shifting your mental state and why it is the key to everything.
Think like a Diver
Part 1
Part 2
More on using fingerprints to get out of a dark place.
Topics: Depression Cures, Hand Analysis, spirit, suicide | No Comments »
Jean Houston and awakening to your life purpose
By Jena Griffiths | May 20, 2013
I’m currently immersing myself in the work of Jean Houston and am amazed at how similar her work is to ours.
We’ve been talking quite a lot about “the big you and the little you” as a powerful way of working with Richard Unger’s LifePrints fingerprints system. Can the “big you” (your higher self) hold and support the “little you” on your journey towards living your purpose?
Interestingly, Jean also refers to this internal relationship with your higher self. She calls the “higher self” by the Greek term “entelechy” – the perfect form of something or your actualized self. She also calls the higher self, “the Great Friend” or “the Friend” and gives powerful exercises for contacting it and working with it. Such as visualizing it in front of you, your hands touching. Making contact daily with your higher self is great self support and helps you align with your purpose.
Jean also has some great techniques on how to improve a physical skill or your health or confidence.
You jump into your ideal body image. But you could also use this technique to step into a fuller version of yourself.
How to do this?
First you become aware of your kinesthetic body. For example, you Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Health, self esteem | No Comments »
What’s on in Zürich?
By Jena Griffiths | May 18, 2013
Lots happening in the coming weeks and months. Not only in Zürich. Also a way to escape to the mountains.
If you’re in the region come and join us at one or more of these events. Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: What's on in Zurich | No Comments »
Are you guilty?
By Jena Griffiths | May 5, 2013
Some of us feel guilty even when we shouldn’t. Others don’t feel a pang of remorse even though they leave a path of devastation in their wake. Or is it us leaving the devastation? We just don’t realize it!? Yikes. Perfect fodder to mull over this month.
Our topic this month in Earth School is all about personal integrity, self esteem, guilt, risk, ethics and accountability. How all these dots connect. And how to make sense of the maze of dots instead of reading in patterns where there are none. Or not seeing impending disaster even though all the dots line up.
We’ll be talking to Richard Unger on Tuesday, May 7 2013. Exploring this topic from a LifePrints fingerprint perspective.
This is a paid call. Members log in here.
Join this series of calls here
I’ll also be interviewing other experts on related topics in the open auditorium in the coming weeks.sign up free for these calls
More about guilt etc.?
I once met a man who walked out on his family when his children were toddlers. He never once went back to see them or find out how they were doing.
40 years later, when we met, I asked him if he had done this because he thought it would be less painful for them in the long run.
His answer?
“I’ve never hurt anyone in my life!”
We forget that doing nothing/not connecting is also a way of hurting other people. And one that leaves broken hearts, or more, in its wake.
But how much of yourself and your time should you give?
When does sticking around become self betrayal?
I remember the first time I betrayed myself in a significant relationship.
We had just sailed in from across the Pacific, and were moored in a marina on the East coast of Australia. Land hungry and looking for adventure, the only thing sticking up on a very flat horizon was the Glass House Mountains, quite a distance away. They became an obsession. I urgently wanted to photograph them closeup so we hired a car for 2 days and a night to do just that. I had planned to get up half an hour before daybreak, to catch the morning light, the best time to take photos, but my partner wanted to stay in bed and have more or whatever it is we were already having.
It would have been so easy to say “No, let’s go.” or “Wait here, I’ll be back in an hour.” But I didn’t. I stayed in bed, and missed the light and perfect shots as a result. And it was a downward slide from there on in our relationship. Totally my own fault, and without realizing it, I found myself giving up on my own wants, compromising more and more to keep the show on the road.
It’s hard to see choices when you’re right in the thick of things. Yet keep making decisions like this and you very quickly turn yourself into a doormat.
It’s situations like this that we’ll be exploring this Tuesday with Richard.
How is personal integrity, guilt and self esteem connected?
Why is this whole arena more difficult for some of us than it is for others?
How does this play out in different contexts?
And what to do in future.
Join us for this call here.
The live call is at 11 am Pacific, 8 pm Switzerland. Elsewhere.
The replay is on the same link.
What are your thoughts on this subject? Please share your views, lessons or stories below.
Topics: self esteem | 2 Comments »
Is failure a mistake?
By Jena Griffiths | May 3, 2013
Or in the words of Paul Coelho:
“Just as an acrobat flies easily through the air, success, when it comes, seems the most natural thing in the world.
“Meanwhile if anyone did dare to ask, the answer would be: I considered giving up. I thought God was no longer listening to me, I often had to change direction, and, on other occasions, I lost my way. Despite everything though, I found it again and carried on, because I was convinced there was no other way to live my life.”
Paul Coelho – Manuscript found in Accra. p.129
“Every regret is due to a fear of failure.”
I recently attended Failcon’s first seminar in Zürich for entrepreneurs and startups.
Various speakers shared mistakes they had made in business.
The point made over and over was
to have success you first need to make a lot of mistakes.
Reminds me of something I wrote a few years ago titled
Can you do cartwheels?
The point in this story being that fear of making mistakes is the real show stopper.
One of the first speakers of the day, Deep Parekh, told a great story about his sailing instructor taking him out into the middle of the lake and immediately capsizing the boat. Nothing tops direct experience. And that’s what most “failure” is – invaluable direct “learn by doing” experience.
Problem is that’s not how it feels. There’s a lot of shame and stigma attached to failing. The real danger is not learning anything. Not moving on.
And of course, not having the courage to make mistakes/suck/fail in the first place.
The main takeout of this day for me was the importance of not isolating oneself and getting feedback – not only from clients and from results but also from friends and colleagues and even – yikes, dare I admit this – from family.
One of the many speakers who impressed me (and there were many) was Liam Boogar who writes a tech blog out of France called Rude Baguette. Liam spoke exactly to this topic, telling a heart wrenching story about business failure and his own personal regrets as an onlooker – about not giving feedback when it was due.
“We often say that choosing a co-founder is like marrying someone, but we miss the inherent inverse on that statement, which is that your spouse, and those close to you, become like co-founders as well, and they are the best source of constructive feedback, because they (should) have a very intimate relationship with you that allows for brutal honesty.”
“If you’re not asking for constructive feedback you’re already failing.” – Liam Boogar
Here’s a slide show of Liam’s key points in his talk “Failure by omission”
Some of the other “lessons” or reasons for not succeeding mentioned by speakers: Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Fear of success/ fear of failure, What's on in Zurich | 2 Comments »
Hot Ideas – next advanced hand shape archetype class
By Jena Griffiths | April 22, 2013
Our next hand shape and personality class with Richard Unger is this Tuesday, April 30, 2013.
We’ll be continuing our exploration of the “Hot Ideas” personality type.
If you’d like to join this series of classes register here.
Members log in here (attend live, pre-submit questions or get the replay.)
Topics: Uncategorized | No Comments »
The Life Lessons – your trigger finger
By Jena Griffiths | March 27, 2013
Our next topic call with Richard Unger, author of LifePrints, deciphering your life purpose from your fingerprints, is this coming Tuesday, April 2 , 2013.
We’ll be continuing our exploration of the Life Lessons.
This week the theme is power and powerlessness.
The focus is on your right index finger. (Officially called right Jupiter finger or Zeus.)
This finger is also known as your “trigger finger” and a lot of the issues we talk about will relate to this-
Can you or can’t you pull the trigger? Do you shoot too fast? Or too slow? Or not at all?
And what does this have to do with everything else going on in your life?
Join this monthly series of calls here
Topics: Hand Analysis | No Comments »
The naked truth about your relationship
By Jena Griffiths | March 19, 2013
I’ll be interviewing Jitendra and Pia this Wednesday at 2pm NY time, 11 am Pacific, 7pm Switzerland, 6 pm UK. Elsewhere
Topic: The 5 Naked Truths about your Relationship
Wednesday March 19, 2013
What will we discuss?
We’ll discuss why it’s important to view your relationship warts and all – and see the Naked Truth.
Stripped bare of pretense, defence or denial —simply acknowledging what is.
What will you learn from the call?
Jitendra and Pia will allow us to peak behind the scenes in their own relationship and will share some of their secrets with us about their work in this field – The 5 Naked Truths to Wildly Fulfilling Relationship program.
How to finally create the intimacy, passion and respect you have longed for and deserve in your relationship
How to get through the “hard stuff” together with passion and intimacy
How to build relationship stability, true companionship and genuine appreciation.
Says Jitindra, ” A Wildly Fulfilling Relationship is not some outlandish dream, it is YOUR BIRTHRIGHT.”
This is a free call. Join us here.
If you have any questions for Jitindra and Pia type them in right now on the event page.
Who are Jitendra and Pia?
Jitendra is a shaman, channel and spiritual teacher, informed by a consciousness awakening in 1974. He has been developing and teaching embodied awakening for nearly 20 years. Pia is a Law of Attraction coach, energy healer and pet communicator. Her 30+ year spiritual journey, together with her corporate business experience, synergies as a beautiful balance of profundity and practicality.
Together, Jitendra and Pia live and teach these transformational relationship principles. They say it’s the reason their union is so wildly fulfilling.
More about the 5 Naked Truths program
Topics: Hand Analysis, Relationship problems | No Comments »
Are you the Red Queen?
By Jena Griffiths | March 16, 2013
The next advanced hand shape archetype we’ll be exploring with Richard Unger is The Red Queen.
We’ll be discussing this type over the next two calls. Tuesday 19 and 26 March, 2013.
This is the 10th archetype in the series so far.
Who is she really ? What is she like?
The Red Queen is a personality type you get when you mix emotions with power and authority.
(Water qualities + Zeus)
Like every type there are both good sides and bad sides. Plus a lot more than meets the eye.
Can you get the mixture right? Or are you more like Lewis Carroll’s Red Queen
shouting “Off with their heads!” on a whim?
To know more about this type and how to identify personality types through hand shape, join us this Tuesday.
Here’s a special introductory offer.
As usual, Richard has a wealth of advice to share. Not only on identifying and understanding this archetype but also on learning to transform her into positive potential.
More about this series.
In case you’ve forgotten about Alice in Wonderland’s Red Queen, here are a few clips of her in action from the latest movie version of Lewis Carroll’s classic
Join us here
For an example of what this hand shape looks like plus a red Queen story from my own life, here’s another post:
Is your girlfriend a Red Queen?
To access two free calls with Richard on six other hand shape and personality archetypes register free here.
Topics: Hand Analysis | No Comments »