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Jean Houston and awakening to your life purpose

Monday, May 20th, 2013

“Stop boring God!” Jean Houston I’m currently immersing myself in the work of Jean Houston and am amazed at how similar her work is to ours. We’ve been talking quite a lot about “the big you and the little you” as a powerful way of working with Richard Unger’s LifePrints fingerprints system. Can the “big […]

Are you guilty?

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Some of us feel guilty even when we shouldn’t. Others don’t feel a pang of remorse even though they leave a path of devastation in their wake. Or is it us leaving the devastation? We just don’t realize it!? Yikes. Perfect fodder to mull over this month. Why? Our topic this month in Earth School […]

Your life: is there a map?

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

We’re starting a new topic series this Tuesday in Earth School. Exploring 10 Life lessons that show up in your fingerprints with Richard Unger, author of LifePrints: deciphering your life purpose from your fingerprints. Each month we’ll explore a different life lesson, what are the different variations of this theme, if this is your pattern, […]

Happiness tip 3: self forgiveness and willpower

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

“Please don’t be too hard on yourself!” Most of us think that letting yourself off the hook is a recipe for disaster but fascinating new research from Standford University shows that actually the opposite is true. Kelly McGonigal, author of the Willpower Instinct, says, “The harder you are on yourself when you have a willpower […]

A brand new course by Richard Unger – advanced hand shapes – starts this coming Tuesday.

Friday, February 17th, 2012

For the first time in 15 years Richard Unger will be offering a new course – covering his most recent work – this time on decoding hand shape. Richard first decoded life purpose from fingerprints, then he decoded gift markers, heart lines and other line formations and, more recently, advanced hand shape types including the […]

Building a successful practice

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Our next topic in Earth School is about building a successful practice. Over the next few weeks I’ll be exploring what the gurus say about this. People I deeply admire like Brian Tracy and Brendon Burchard. Next Tuesday, January 24, Tuesdays with Richard kicks off and on our first call I also plan to grill […]

Do you fear change?

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

I’m in deepest Africa at the moment. In the heart of the South African bushveld Washed in birdsong just as the first summer rains bring radical change. Where? Maduma Boma. The changes I see in this country? Its springtime here for African women. Beautiful to see. How so? Most visible is the change in headgear. […]

Feast week in Earth School?

Monday, April 25th, 2011

This coming week is feast week in Earth School – the theme is transition. We’ve got 4 calls scheduled! Tuesday with Itzhak Beery – on how power animals can help you transition. Wednesday with Vaishali – her take on being in transition Thursday Italy’s Marina Bussaro – on how being present helps Also Thursday – […]

Do you have a harsh inner critic? First call today

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

Is this you? Do you have a constant inner companion giving a harsh opinion on everything you do, say or even think? Here’s a story from my life A couple of years ago I asked my son to fine me 1 franc every time I said an unpleasant but rather useful little word starting with […]

Do you have a harsh inner critic

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

This month in Earth School we’re dealing with the inner critic. A topic that’s very close to my heart. This theme is my own personal black hole. It’s what causes my heart to contract. My mud to get shaken up. And all the blood to run out of my veins. Richard Unger calls one theme […]

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