Do you fear change?

By Jena Griffiths | October 19, 2011

I’m in deepest Africa at the moment.
In the heart of the South African bushveld
Washed in birdsong
just as the first summer rains bring radical change.
Where? Maduma Boma.

The changes I see in this country?
Its springtime here for African women.
Beautiful to see.

How so?
Most visible is the change in headgear.
Away from doek and burden.
african woman carrying wood on her head

The new head gear is ligher and more playful.
A liberating new art form:
Creative synthetic hair.
renaissance for African women synthetic wigs
liberation of women in South Africa
creative new Africahear gear wigs hair pieces

I even bought one.

new africa fashion synthetic hair wig
It has tiger stripes
for more courage.

Our topic this month in Earth School
is fear of success vs fear of failure.

How much of this is really fear of change?
Fear of changes in expectations.
Fear of how others will change due to our success.
Are you keeping yourself small to keep the peace?
Do you fear backlash, jealousy or greater demands?

Fear of success and fear of failure.
I’ll be interviewing RIchard Unger on how this shows up in your hands
and I’ll be interviewing other experts on what to do.
Stay tuned.

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