How to deal with an inner predator?
By Jena Griffiths | April 7, 2011
Some thoughts for you from Clarissa Pinkola Estés author of Women who run with the wolves
in her chapter “Stalking the intruder” on the symbolic solutions fairytales like Bluebeard give us.
I’ve had this book for about 15 years. Its pages are rather yellow and moldy because it sailed right around the world with me and survived many a storm at sea. One of the few books I brought with me when we left the high seas for the high altitudes of Switzerland.
In Women who run with the wolves Clarissa Pinkola Estés writes:
“In a single human being there are many other beings, all with their own values, motives and devices. Some …suggest we arrest these beings, count them, name them, force them into harness till they shuffle along like vanquished slaves. but to do this would halt the dance of wildish lights in a woman’s eyes; it would halt her heat lightning and arrest all throwing of sparks. rather than corrupt her natural beauty, our work is to build for all those beings a wildish countryside wherein the artists among them can make, the lovers love, the healers heal.
But what shall we do with those inner beings who are quite mad and those who carry out destruction without thought? Even these must be given a place, though one in which they can be contained. One entity in particular…requires our immediate consciousness and containment- and that one is the natural predator.” (p39)
“When a woman becomes conscious of how dead/slaughtered parts of her have become the “killing element of the unconscious rises up and threatens to destroy the conscious woman.” (p.59)
“Without the eyes of the sisters, without the muscle of the sword-wielding brothers she cannot fully succeed. “(62)
“…the now wiser woman draws an internal masculine energy to her aid.”
“When the opposite-gender nature is healthy, as symbolized by the brothers in “Bluebeard”, it loves the woman it inhabits. It is the intra-psychic energy which helps her accomplish anything she asks…..
“the stronger and more vast the animus (think of the animus as a bridge [between worlds of internal thought and feeling and the outer world]) the more able, easily, and with style the woman manifests her ideas and her creative work in the outer world in concrete way….
A woman with a poorly developed animus has lots of ideas and thoughts but is unable to manifest them in the outer world. She always stops short of the implementation of her wonderful images.”
mmmmm… for thought!
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic | No Comments »
Is there a positive side to the inner critic?
By Jena Griffiths | April 7, 2011
Our next call on the inner critic is with Vaishàli Vaishàli of Purple Haze Press and you are what you love radio show.
Vaishàli is a survivor of the inner predator and a woman of my own heart. She wears only purple. And knows how to play. A student of Swedenborg with a wonderful website called
We’ll be diving deeper into the dark places the inner critic takes us but looking for light.
Is there perhaps a positive side to the inner critic?
- Why do we have one?
- What is the inner critic’s spiritual function?
- How do you put the inner critic in its proper place?
- What does the inner critic do for you that the Soul cannot?
- What does the inner critic hate that you need in order to reach
I’m really looking forward to hearing what Vaishàli has to say about this next Thursday.
Register below this free call here or simply log into the free auditorium to get the link.
Register for this free call with Vaishàli here.
Type in your first name and primary email address
then click the “submit” button.
Once registered, you can type in any questions you have in the space provided.
If you miss this call, register anyway to get access to the replay.
To find out the time where you are
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic | No Comments »
Are you in bed with your own inner predator?
By Jena Griffiths | March 31, 2011
A few weeks ago I went to see a collection of Goya’s black etchings at the ETH in Zürich. (Francisco de Goya (1746-1828))
One wall was dedicated to the horrors of war, another to the horrors of bull fighting.
A third was dedicated to Goya’s darkest fantasies:
Winged beasts to make your blood run cold.
I couldn’t find any of the worst to show you.

Whenever I think of Goya I think of his gory Saturn eating his children (see below) :
So what has this to do with your inner critic?
The animus, bluebeard and how not to be in bed with your own inner predator??
Make sure you don’t miss my call with Richard Moss tomorrow.
9am pacific. 6pm Switzerland.
There’ll be a replay if you can’t make it live.
Register here or log in on right.
Goya on saturn?
Read the rest of this entry »
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic | No Comments »
Interview with Richard Moss replay
By Jena Griffiths | March 31, 2011
I interviewed Richard on two topics in 2011
1. Relationship – the soul’s mirror
More info about what we discussed
2. I also interviewed Richard Moss on dealing with the inner critic.
Replay of this call
Summary of Richard’s key ideas
Here are some posts I wrote related to Richard Moss and the Mandela of Being:
Working with the Mandela of Being – how to stop the hurt.
This is a detailed post that takes you to the core of his work.
letting your mud settle
On practicing mindfulness generally – What’s eating you?
More info: visit Richard’s website
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic, Relationship problems, spirit | No Comments »
Please join global water prayer at 12 noon March 31st
By Jena Griffiths | March 31, 2011
This is a message from Maseru Emoto
To All People Around the World
By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis, more than 10,000 people are still missing…even now… It has been 16 days already since the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it’s contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas.
Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are only trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials in the reactors by discharging water to them.
Is there really nothing else to do?
I think there is. During over twenty year research of hado measuring and water crystal photographic technology, I have been witnessing that water can turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is.
Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really means that Energy = number of people and the square of people’s consciousness.
Now is the time to understand the true meaning. Let us all join the prayer ceremony as fellow citizens of the planet earth. I would like to ask all people, not just in Japan, but all around the world to please help us to find a way out the crisis of this planet!!
The prayer procedure is as follows.
Name of ceremony:
“Let’s send our thoughts of love and gratitude to all water in the nuclear plants in Fukushima”
Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone
Please say the following phrase:
“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”
Please say it aloud or in your mind.
Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position.
Please offer your sincere prayer.
Thank you very much from my heart.
With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water
Miraculous Messages From Water With photographs and information reflecting the work of Masaru Emoto, a creative and visionary Japanese researcher (interview). If you have any doubt that your thoughts affect everything in, and around you, the information and photographs that are presented here may change your mind and alter your beliefs, profoundly.
Topics: General | No Comments »
learn by doing
By Jena Griffiths | March 29, 2011
The first (and only) time I ever went snow boarding
was with my EX! husband.
He took me to the top of a Swiss Alp and as we ascended
into the heavens I looked down at all the tiny ants
and dinky cars below and said, “Why not down there
at the very bottom where all the other beginners are?”
He said,“My philosophy is ‘learn by doing’
and I think it’s yours too!”
So maybe he was right!
And here I am passing this wound on.
If you’re a complete beginner to
hand analysis don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Today’s call may not be for you.
It’s for people who can already navigate
the black palm slopes.
More info here.
The topic today is the Inner Critic.
It’s an advanced print work follow up call to last week.
We’ll have a free call on Friday with Richard Moss
on the same topic for everyone.
Richard Moss has some really interesting things to say
about anima, animus and that wild animal
we call our ‘inner critic’.
Please diarize 1 April, 9am Pacific, 12 noon Eastern,
6pm Central Europe. Join this call here.
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic, Hand Analysis, Print Work / Threading | No Comments »
Working with the Mandala of Being
By jennagriffiths | March 27, 2011
This coming Friday we’ll be talking to Richard Moss on the Inner Critic.
Richard has a very simple way of bringing oneself into the presnt.
He calls this the Mandala of Being.
Richard says: If you’re not here now there are only 4 places you can be:
In the past, in the future, focused on yourslf or on some other.
I’ve taken the liberty of reproducing one of his illustrations of how this works here:
To find out how to work with this system and how this fits in with the inner critic, register in Earth School free auditorium.
It’s free.
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic | No Comments »
Do you have a harsh inner critic? First call today
By jennagriffiths | March 24, 2011
Is this you? Do you have a constant inner companion
giving a harsh opinion on everything you do,
say or even think?
Here’s a story from my life
A couple of years ago I asked my son to
fine me 1 franc every time I said an unpleasant
but rather useful little word starting with s.
One day I said “sherbet!” and he said,
“Yay! You owe me a franc!”
I said, “But it didn’t even say the s word!
And he said, “Yes. But you were thinking it!”
The inner critic is just as bad as my son.
He fines us heavily, even for thinking
or perhaps for not thinking at all.
But instead of having the beady eyes of a cute
little boy on us from time to time,
instead it’s the cataract eyes a grumpy old man
24/7. And even though he can’t see clearly and
his opinions are usually one sided, still we
believe every word he says.
The thing to remember is, as with my son, you don’t
always have to agree with the fines he gives and,
more importantly, it helps to recognize –
actually he’s trying to help you.
Sometimes the inner critic can really get out of
hand. Like a wild beast who gobbles up your
dreams and fresh budding talents before
they’ve flowered or even seen the sunlight.
So what to do?
How to free yourself of this vicious internal
The first step is to see the voice as separate
from yourself and not necessarily accurate.
I’ve invited 3 experts to share their tool kits
with you.
2 of these calls are free, with people I deeply admire.
The specialist hand analysis calls are not free.
How can hand analysis help?
If you have very yellow hands this is a sign that
your inner critic is running rampant.
Also if you have a big brain or a very subjective
thinking style and lots of talent, just knowing this helps
you to see the wolflike shadow lurking on the wall
with different eyes – perhaps a figment of your
own beautiful mind?
In a few hours we have a call with Richard on this
topic. More information here:
(Members will get the links to this call in a separate email.)
Hope to have you with us on these calls.
May the wolf on your wall shrivel in all this harsh spotlight
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic, Hand Analysis | No Comments »
Is this mother abuse?
By jennagriffiths | March 20, 2011
Last week I asked my 11 year old son to help me
make a video for you for about the topic
“allowing your mud to settle.”
He agreed but the experience was real torture.
I’m not sure if it was child abuse or mother abuse or both.
First he wouldn’t let me re-do any of the parts where
I fluffed the words.
Then he said it was too long and boring so he cut
out half of what I wanted to tell you.
Then he said its still too boring
so he changed the pitch of my voice and tried out
every visual effect under the sun.
I think there should be a telephone number mothers can
phone when they’re being abused by their children.
In the end I had to pay him 10 Francs to finish it
and I’m nearly too embarrassed to show you the result.
To make matters worse
I put it on Facebook last week and only my sister
liked it!
Should I take it down?
Is it really that bad?
Please give me your honest opinion here
and either like or dislike it so I can decide
what to do.
Mud Challenge?
My challenge to you:
Make a better “Mud message in a bottle” video
than mine and I’ll give you a prize.
At the end of 30 days we’ll choose the best
More about this:
Coming up in Earth School
We have 2 calls with Richard Unger
and one call with Richard Moss (the mud message man)
All these calls are on this month’s topic:
Dealing with the Inner Critic.
Register here
Topics: Fun | No Comments »
Forthcoming calls with Richard Unger – full 2011 calander
By jennagriffiths | March 19, 2011
Here’s the full list of forthcoming Topic calls and advanced threading calls with Richard Unger.
Please note the date changes in April/May.
Monthly Topic calls with Richard Unger
24 March – Dealing with the Inner critic – it’s in your hands.
21 April – Crossroad choices – a life in transition
26 May – Composite fingerprints
30 June – The challenges of the super talented
(Coping with multiple gift markers)
28 July – Free will vs destiny
25 Aug – Responsibility vs irresponsibility
29 Sept – Showing up
27 Oct – Fear success / Fear of failure
17 Nov – Family complications
15 Dec – Managing misunderstandings –
Communication challenges.
Advanced threading (practical hand analysis) calls with Richard Unger
These calls follow the same theme as the topic calls and take place the
week after.
29 March- Inner critic
28 April- A life in transition
31 May – Composites
5 July – Multiple gift markers
2 Aug – Free will vs destiny
30 Aug – Responsibility vs irresponsibility
4 Oct – Showing up
1 Nov – Fear of success/fear of failure
22 Nov – Family complications
20 Dec – Communication challenges.
Date changes:
Please note: the April calls have been moved forward one week.
(Previously 28April/5 May. Now 21 and 28 April)
Topics: Hand Analysis, Print Work / Threading | No Comments »