Are you really responsible? Free interview today
By Jena Griffiths | October 3, 2011
Our free call with Rachelle Fürer is today.
In a few hours I’ll be interviewing Rachelle Fuerer for Earth School.
Rachelle is a certified integral coach, counsellor and family constellations practitioner.
What will we discuss?
We’ll be looking at responsibility from a family constellations perspective.
Are you really responsible?
Is there a family pattern of taking on too much responsibility?
What to do when you feel like whole world is on your shoulders?
Where does your responsibility to others begin and end?
You can listen to this call live here.
The replay is on the same link.
Topics: Responsibility vs irresponsibility | No Comments »
Finding the courage to shine – free call with NaNa DiviNa
By Jena Griffiths | September 27, 2011
Wednesday 28 September I’ll be interviewing NaNa DiviNa on
Finding the courage to shine
last 15 seconds
You know you should be doing videos but just never get there?
You want to do what you really love -but find yourself stalling, doing everything that doesn’t matter instead.
If you’re shy, scared or simply um um um….terrified! of stepping into the limelight
make sure you don’t miss this call
full of tips and genuine advice on how to feel the fear but show up anyway.
Who is NaNA DiviNa?
Geneva based NaNa is a Swiss french actress, cabaret & visual comedy performer, writer, director, artistic & intuitive coach working for various fields, from broadcast TV programs to festivals, theater, cabaret, circus, spectacular shows & all kinds of parties/events all around Europe, from corporate gatherings to artistic, cultural & social events – for more than 15 years.
Her workshops help people (re)gain more self trust/love, playfulness & inner creativity.
” Create your SuperHero”, “Kiss your Bliss” are few examples of this year’s coporate workshops.
Topics: self esteem, Showing Up | No Comments »
Are you present or absent?
By Jena Griffiths | September 25, 2011
In our last call with Richard Unger we discussed what makes a person responsible vs irresponsible.
One of the key points Richard brought up was that you have to be fully present to be responsible. A lot of irresponsible behavior comes from a person being unaware of the fact that they’re stepping on toes or not fully conscious of their impact on others.
An extreme version of this would be a drunk driver, who kills someone else while he’s
An example from my life?
A few years ago I met a man who had never once visited his children while they were growing up. I asked him if he had made this choice consciously because he thought a little bit of contact would be more painful than none. He replied by saying that he had never hurt anyone in his life! Wow!
It’s easy to point fingers at someone else engaged in an extreme version of unconscious (rather than passive) aggression but actually most of us are doing this to a greater or lesser degree every day.
I’ve been guilty of this in my own family. There’s a big difference between not wanting to rush in and rescue people you love and not being present for them.
How does not being present work on a more mundane level?
Usually we miss the opportunity to be fully present because we’re so busy multitasking.
Are you listening to your son/daughter/mother 100% or are you also unpacking the dishwasher?
(I’m totally guilty of this. How about you?)
Research shows that we half our IQs when we multitask. Yet most of us are convinced we’re saving time. Actually we’re robbing ourselves and others and shrinking our potential.
During the call with Richard I demonstrated this perfectly.
Richard told a story and while he was doing so I quickly responded to an email from a student who was having trouble getting into the call. Result: I missed his punchline and had to own up to not being present – which was the topic under discussion!
Are you blushing on my behalf?
Let’s just say that a higher good that came out of this because now I can now write and tell you about it.
And bleed onto the page on your behalf.
Action steps you can take right now?
Wean yourself off the habit of multitasking. Think of an hourglass. Each grain of sand has to pass through the present moment one grain at a time. There’s no way this can be changed. The results of trying? Serious blockage.
2. Put yourself in other people’s shoes occasionally so you can feel where the rub is.
It’s not your job to rescue but it is your responsibility to be conscious and fully present for those you love.
There’s no greater gift you can give another than “The present” – the gift of your presence.
3. To hear the call with Richard on this theme, join Earth School’s inner circle before our next call this Thursday. You’ll get this recording when you sign in. Or buy the replay here.
Topics: Hand Analysis | No Comments »
Performance anxiety?
By Jena Griffiths | September 24, 2011
Is this you?
Our next inner circle class is this Thursday 29 September 2011.
We’ll be exploring what your hands say about what’s stopping you from showing up.
More about this.
Topics: Showing Up | No Comments »
Are you really responsible?
By Jena Griffiths | September 22, 2011
On 3 October I’ll be interviewing Rachelle Fürer in the Earth School free auditorium.
Rachelle is a counsellor and integral life coach based in Zürich Switzerland. She’s also a family constellations practitioner. This is a system developed by Bert Hellinger based on African spirituality, the role of ancestors, “the knowing field” and family patterns in every day life.
I’ll be interviewing Rachelle on this system and also on her thoughts about responsibility, particularly family responsibilities.
Topic: Are you really responsible?
Time: 8pm Switzerland/Central Europe/S Africa; 7pm UK, 2pm USA Eastern, 11am pacific.
Join us for this free call
Simply log in. Or register for Earth School’s free auditorium on the right.
There’ll be a replay if you miss the call.
What are family consellations?
I asked Rachelle this question and this is what she said:
“Each of us is connected to one another at the level of the Soul, this is particularly true for a family. We are all genetically and emotionally linked to our individual families for life, regardless of how much distance we may think we have put between us. As children we take on the emotional and mental patterns of our parents and their parents and we grow-up with these unquestioned models running our lives in the background.
To a greater part it is then the unseen that determines how we deal with events and circumstances in our lives. We forget that hidden behind any given behaviour are attitudes, values, rules of reference, coping mechanisms, feelings, expectations and longings that often stem from our family systems.
Family Constellations is a gracious methodology that reveals inherited imbalances within the system and finds resolution by honouring what is. It can be used as a tool to look at the hidden dynamics governing diverse areas of our lives such as work, illness, relationships and money as well as disturbing characteristics like self-sabotage, stubbornness, anxiety, jealousy and anger that are results of previous events that disturbed the balance of the family system.
People are frequently amazed and deeply touched when the loyalties and dynamics within their current and ancestral systems are uncovered and the natural flow of love is re-established. This enables them to move through their lives with greater ease and free of burdens from the past.
Family Constellations helps individuals and couples who are seeking ways of working with difficulties in their lives, whether manifest in physical illness or in disruptive life patterns.”
Join us for this free call by logging into earth School on the right of this page
There’ll be a replay if you miss the call.
Topics: Responsibility vs irresponsibility | No Comments »
Responsibility vs irresponsibility
(Next interview with Richard Unger)
By Jena Griffiths | August 23, 2011
Our next Earth School interview with Richard Unger is this Thursday 25 August.
The topic?
Responsibility vs Irresponsibility
We’ll be looking at 3 different types of responsibility: emotional responsibility, spiritual responsibility and intellectual responsibility.
What can our hands tell us about this subject? Richard has been looking at hands for over 40 years and has deep wisdom to share with us on this subject.
I’m really looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
This is a call for Earth School inner circle members.
Register for this call
Topics: Hand Analysis, Responsibility vs irresponsibility | No Comments »
The mandala of being – how to stop the hurt
By jennagriffiths | August 22, 2011
Richard Moss’s Mandala of Being is a simple way of learning to tell the difference between feelings and emotions.
Feelings are like weather, they come and go. We’re meant to experience them fully. Emotions on the other hand, are self created.
They’re caused by us telling or retelling ourselves painful or uplifting stories, over and over again sometimes for an entire lifetime.
How do you use the mandala of being?

If you are not here now, where are you? There are only 4 places you can be.
You simply label each thought you have: (this is a thought about the past, or about the future or about me or about another…..) and then you let go of the story and bring yourself back into the present by focusing on your breath. Richard calls this letting your mud settle.
During the Radical Aliveness Retreat we worked more thoroughly with this system under Richard Moss’s direct guidance.
Moss explained that we leave the present to avoid feeling something in the moment. We do this through interpretation; by telling ourselves a story about what’s going on that shifts us into our heads and out of our body.
The Mandala of being helps you stop creating more pain with your thoughts, at the same time putting you in touch with the original core feeling you were avoiding. Strangely, the painful stories we tell ourselves create much more pain than the original feeling we were avoiding. And worse still, these thought-created emotions are perpetuated ad nauseam ad infinitum.
Moss’s work is about “coming alive at the level of feeling by not turning feeling into thinking.”
Working with this system is like cutting away layers of rubble (your thoughts/emotions) to get right down to diamond at the core (being here now).
How to work with this?
The simple version: just keep labeling each thought as it arises.
The more advanced version:
Get yourself 5 blank cards or pages. Write one word of each on them: Me, You, Past, Future and Now.
Then lay them on the floor in the shape of a Mandala, with “Now” in the middle.
Then ask yourself, Is this a story about me? the other person (thing/money/object/God)? the past? or the future?
(Each of these locations has both a positive or a negative pole.
eg. Depressive me vs grandiose me, past regret vs nostalgia…)
As you work with an emotion physically stand in the location in the mandala.
You’ll find that the one story creates another and bounces you all around the mandala.
Each time, try to come back into the now and feel your body. Moss recommends focusing on slight changes in sensation in your hands.
What’s the original feeling you were avoiding feeling? Feel that feeling and let it go.
“When we are unconsciously in this Self-avoiding mode, thinking about ourselves, others and the world at large is our favorite pastime because we do not know what it is to feel our own depths in the present moment and taste life directly.” Richard Moss xviii
If you’d like more detail on how to work with this process get yourself one of Richard’s last 2 books: the Mandala of Being (2007) or Inside Out Healing (2011) or attend one of his workshops in Europe or the US.
Access my 2 interviews with Richard here
Moss will be giving a talk in Copenhagen next thursday 25 Aug followed by a 3 day seminar.
More about his European schedule.
Moss’s system can be used beautifully with Unger’s fingerprints system. This is my approach.
Topics: Dealing with the inner critic, Depression Cures, Relationship problems, self esteem, spirit, suicide | No Comments »
What does it mean to be radically alive? (Richard Moss retreat in Europe)
By jennagriffiths | August 20, 2011
I’ve been wanting to go to Richard Moss’s Radical Aliveness retreat at Trimurti, south of France for well over a year. Fortunately this year I was able to shirk family responsibilities and make it.
I won’t tell you too much about what we got up to in case you want to go yourself one day. I might scare you off 😉
One thing we did was work much more deeply with the mandala of being. This system of letting go of stories we tell ourselves and freeing yourself of painful emotions is Moss’s gift to humanity.
Here’s a pic of me with Earth School member and fellow hand analyst Aashild Tilrem at the the Trimurti farewell party.
Richard and Deborah have been working together in France for more than 20 years. It was a pleasure to watch them together in action. It’s as if they become one mind speaking in both English and French with Deborah using her whole body to translate. Pure poetry to watch.
One of the experiential exercises we did was Deborah’s 5 rhythms dance which was extremely powerful.
The event was extremely well organised, the venue was perfect and the food was really good. Trimurti’s chef is a real master of her craft. Every dish was delicious.
I was sad to say goodbye to her. 😉
Moss will be giving another similar retreat in Ojai California in November on a beautiful property that’s completely off the grid..
Next Thursday 25 August he’ll be in Copenhagen giving a talk followed by a 3 day experiential seminar.
If you live anywhere near this is well worth travelling to.
Here’s some more information about his European events.
Topics: Being in transition, spirit | No Comments »
Serendipity, synchronicity, destiny and free will
By Jena Griffiths | August 20, 2011
During our call on Free will and destiny we discussed serendipity, synchronicity patterns and chance.
I spoke briefly about an event from my sailing days. Here it is in more detail.
One morning at Cocos, 5 of us jumped into the dinghy at the crack of dawn for a very wet half-hour ride to the next island to catch the ferry to the other side of the atoll. We arrived just as the ferry was leaving and they very kindly allowed us to jump on board directly. They said they’d wait for Peter to tie up our dinghy but, as soon as he let go, the ferry roared off across the lagoon without him.
We’d seen a yacht nearby but hadn’t paid too much attention to it. Now, with so much time on his hands, Peter had a closer look and noticed that it was stuck on a reef and in danger of breaking up.
By the time he motored the dinghy out to it, the old Norwegian solo sailor had lost his voice and was in a total panic. He’d sailed into the lagoon before sunrise, hadn’t seen the lights of all the other yachts tucked in the lee of an island right in the entrance to the atoll. He didn’t have a detailed chart of the atoll are tried to sail straight across the lagoon to the ferry jetty which was way too shallow for any deep-keeled yacht. Peter used the dinghy to pull him off the reef and then jumped on board and helped him navigate the coral heads by sight until they were back in the bay where all the rest of the yachts were anchored.
I find it fascinating that the best person to help him ‘just happened’ to be left behind by the ferry at the appropriate moment.
I also find it fascinating that the person who rescuded him has 10 whorls in his fingerprints.
Service is his purpose and lesson.
To read more about the 10 whorl fingerprint pattern download Richard Unger’s 500 page eBook
LifePrints Deluxe.
To access the call on Free Will and destiny go the the interview replay pages.
Topics: Free will vs Destiny, Hand Analysis | No Comments »
Are the events in your life completely random? Free will vs destiny
By Jena Griffiths | July 7, 2011
Did you actually choose your mother?
Or is life totally random?
Its great to have someone else to blame
for whatever’s going on in our lives.
Mum. The teacher in 1st grade. leprechauns.
Gremlins. Fate. Or perhaps, the big guy in the sky?
Anyone with broader shoulders than our own.
Is life completely random or pre-determined?
Can we ever know?
In a few hours I’ll be interviewing Richard Unger
on the topic Free Will vs Destiny.
If you’d like to join us and you’re not yet registered
here’s more info.
More information about this call here.
Topics: Free will vs Destiny | No Comments »