The professor type – next hand shape archetype
By Jena Griffiths | May 17, 2012
Our next advanced hand shape call with Richard Unger is Tuesday, May 22nd.
We’ll be exploring the Professor Archetype.

The Professor
This is a combination of an Air hand shape (analytical) plus a dominant middle finger (Saturn mythological type).
More information about this series here.
Topics: Hand Analysis | No Comments »
Natalia Baker on healing the dynamics between men and women
By Jena Griffiths | May 12, 2012
May 14, 2012 we spoke to Natalia Baker about Sexuality as Dance:
on healing the dynamics between men and women.
We spoke about the relationship between men and women over the ages and how this affects us today.
Also how we can heal deep wounds.
Natalia has been teaching metaphysics since 1989 and has been counseling people for 18 years.
She offers retreats and courses in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
More about Natalia
Contact Natalia via email
Topics: Relationship problems | No Comments »
Replay of interview with Jitendra Darling – Being the Change, Transforming our Economy
By Jena Griffiths | May 10, 2012
Being the Change, Transforming our Economy
This was a fascinating call. We discussed how systemic change requires first healing our relationship with ourselves and each other. Jitendra walked us through his ALOHA practice in detail.
A = aware of one’s breath
L = liquid body
O = oh, I remember! (that I am part of all-that-is and bigger than whatever is happening to me right now)
H = heart (re-connecting through gratitude, smiling with the eyes and lips)
A = aligning with one’s beliefs – eg. I trust love.
Being the Change, Transforming our Economy
If you’d like to learn this system in more detail,
Core Initiation: Doorway to Restoring Dignity
Topics: Being in transition | No Comments »
Interview with Jitendra Darling is today
By Jena Griffiths | May 9, 2012
Our free auditorium call with Jitendra Darling is today, May 9 2012 at 11am Pacific, 8pm Swiss/Central Europe. Elsewhere
Being the Change, Transforming our Economy
Simply go to the free auditorium to attend.
Replay is here
What will we discuss?
Jitendra will share is warm eyes meditation with us which he says will help us connect with each other on a deeper, more profound level.
During the call, Jitendra will address the challenge of achieving radical systemic change in our world, from economics to social justice to how we treat our planet. With countless initiatives and almost as many debates attempting to sort out the best pathway to a just and sustainable future, there is a less obvious, yet critical, element necessary for the magnitude of transformation envisioned––the endemic shock that separates us from our full human potential for empathic connection.
Jitendra describes how this mechanism works and how it affects every relationship we can imagine, including the systems that surround us. He will also share a simple and direct practice with which each of us can strengthen and deepen the dignity of human our presence that will ultimately unite us in ways we so often dream and imagine.
Who is Jitendra?
Jitendra has been devoted to spiritual transformation for nearly 40 years. He is a spiritual teacher, shaman and channel for embodied awakening; founder of Core Awakening Journey, an evolutionary mystery school; Global Heart Initiative, a new program designed to build common ground in communities and organizations in order to facilitate broader and more effective collaborations among diverse stakeholders.
Jitendra created Core Awakening Journey as a pathway for others to benefit from his life journey that ranged from abuse survivor to spiritual enlightenment to emotional breakdown to shamanic descent into emergence in a new kind of integrated, embodied awakening.
He also co-founded, a global online social network forum.
Topics: Being in transition, rollercoaster life | No Comments »
desires vs needs
By Jena Griffiths | May 9, 2012
In 1943 Maslow proposed a hierarchy of human needs. That each of us has basic needs and that we need to address the needs on the lower end of the pyramid before we can even begin to look at our higher needs.
More recently Tony Robbins proposed that each of us has six human needs:
1. The need for Certainty/Comfort.
2. The need for Variety. Paradoxically, we need uncertainty to provide spice and adventure in our lives.
3. The need for Significance. Deep down, we all want to be important. That our life counts.
4. The need for Connection/Love.
5. The need for Growth. To become better, to stretch and excel.
6. The need for Contribution. The desire to contribute something of value—to help others, to make the world a better place than we found it is in all of us.
In our recent call with Richard Unger on the Human Desire System, Richard tackled this topic from a different perspective.
He proposed that each of us has 4 types desires:
1. our wants in general (ego-driven, body-driven wants…),
2. a desire to understand/make sense of our lives
3. a desire for connection
4. a desire for solitude
These relate to the 4 heart line types (fire, air, water, earth), each type putting more focus on one of these 4 but still needing the others.
This call can be purchased form Earth School archives here.
Topics: Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
Dealing with intense emotions using the six healing sounds
By Jena Griffiths | May 8, 2012
In our call today with Richard Unger we discussed how emotions are reflected by hand color and we looked at three main transmutations cycles, for dealing with sadness, anger and being critical, particularly self critical. Richard shared several techniques in his toolkit for transmuting each of these emotions. We also briefly discussed the Taoist method of transforming negative emotions into positive loving, healing energy instead of bottling them up or dumping your emotions on others. More on this call.
Taoists say that our emotions are stored in our organs: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen.
Each emotion (both positive and negative) relates to a specific organ and can be transformed into a different emotion belonging to the same organ.
The Taoist transform emotions using the Six Healing Sounds.
This is done by making sounds and visualizing color. Here’s a brief look at the six healing sounds, as described by Mantak Chai of Healing Tao.
The six healing sounds
Each negative emotion is stored in a different organ and can be transformed, not into its opposite but rather into the positive energy of that organ.
For example sadness, sorrow and grief are stored in your lungs,
Sadness can be changed into righteousness in the lungs using the sound “Sssssss,” smiling into the lungs while visualizing the color white.
Fear can be transformed into gentleness and generosity by the kidneys using the sound one makes when blowing out a candle. One then imagines the color blue entering the kidneys and along with it the quality of gentleness.
Anger is transformed into kindness in the liver using the sound “Shhhhhhhh” and color green.
Impatience, arrogance and hastiness is transformed in the heart into joy, honor and sincerity using the sound “Hawwwww” and color red.
Worry and sympathy are transformed into compassion in the spleen using the sound “Whooooo”emotions.
I found this reference for you after searching the net:
a free a detailed description on the 6 healing sounds by Mantak Chia.
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This month in Earth School
By Jena Griffiths | May 4, 2012
We have quite a line-up of interviews for you this month in Earth School’s free auditorium.
Wednesday May 9 we’re talking to Jitendra Darling on Being the Change, Transforming our Economy. Jitendra will be sharing his warm eyes meditation with us which he says is an essential part of embodying the change. Log in here to attend or to pre-submit questions. More about Jitendra.
The weeks following
Monday 14 May we’ll have Natalia Baker on Healing the Dynamics between Men and Women.
And Thursday May 24 we’ll be talking to executive coach Andy Habermacher on his book, The Fox factor.
Why image and status will override ration and reason in the unconscious mind and what you should do about it.
All these calls will take place in the free auditorium. Simply log in to attend live on the day or to listen to the replay.
You can pre-submit questions for Jitendra if you go there now.
In the specialist classes with Richard Unger we have:
Tuesday May 8, our monthly topic call.
This month’s topic hand color and transmutation.
We’ll be looking at how emotions show up in your hands and exploring Richard’s
step by step process of emotional alchemy – transmuting suppressed emotions for personal growth.
Members log in here
More information.
Tuesday May 15 we’ll be combining hand color with other markers
in our advanced hand analysis threading call. More information on these advanced calls here.
Tuesdays May 22 and 29 we’ll be looking at the next advanced hand shape archetype –
The Professor type. More on this course
Hope you’ll be joining us for some, if not all, of these calls.
Topics: Being in transition, Hand Analysis, Relationship problems | No Comments »
Jitendra Darling says yes to Earth School interview
By Jena Griffiths | April 28, 2012
Wednesday, May 9th we’ll have Jitendra Darling with us in Earth School.
Time: 11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central Europe. Elsewhere.
There’ll be a replay it you can’t make it live.
What will we discuss?
Healing the endemic shock of our modern civilization. The essence of the talk will center around embodying the change we wish to see and how it relates to systemic change, especially with regard to transforming our economy.
Who is Jitendra?
Jitendra has been devoted to spiritual transformation for nearly 40 years. He is a spiritual teacher, shaman and channel for embodied awakening; founder of Core Awakening Journey, an evolutionary mystery school; Global Heart Initiative, a new program designed to build common ground in communities and organizations in order to facilitate broader and more effective collaborations among diverse stakeholders.
Jitendra created Core Awakening Journey as a pathway for others to benefit from his life journey that ranged from abuse survivor to spiritual enlightenment to emotional breakdown to shamanic descent into emergence in a new kind of integrated, embodied awakening.
He also co-founded, a global online social network forum.
Register alongside for the free auditorium so that we can send you a reminder to attend this call.
Topics: Being in transition | No Comments »
Do you have a ballet dancer in your genes?
By Jena Griffiths | April 17, 2012
Have you ever noticed when you decide to do something (eg give up chocolate) another part of you kicks in with the exact opposite agenda?
These are your different sub-personalities at play. Your inner support team or your inner saboteurs.
(Image with permission from Chris Willis)
The trick is to recognize these characters and get them all to collaborate.
We’re busy exploring 16 of these characters with Richard Unger in our advanced hand shapes classes.
The next call is today and the archetype in the spotlight is “The Ballet Dancer” or the “Ballet teacher.”
You can join this series here.
Or simply log in for today’s call if you’re already registered.
Who is the ballet teacher?
Learn more about this type here or listen to the free auditorium call with Richard where three personality types were explored.
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Seeing yourself with kind eyes
By Jena Griffiths | April 10, 2012
Probably one of the unsung heroes of all time in the world of psychology of human achievement, is Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho-cybernetics.
Maltz was a plastic surgeon who noticed that some people’s lives were transformed under his scalpel, others not. It was as if these people were operating according to invisible emotional scars and an inner image of themselves rather than actual physical reality.
Maltz then went on to devote his life to helping people become their own inner plastic surgeons, to heal the mental picture they had of themselves. He called this the “self image” and likened humans to heat seeking missiles, goal orientated but internally programmed to always seek out and perform according to the image we hold of ourselves in our heads.
According to Maltz, if your self-image is unhealthy or faulty, all your efforts will end in failure until you change your self image.
The sports industry has benefited most from Maltz’s work. So has the self help industry.
Yet still, every year millions get spent on coaching but people don’t change because they fail to change the mental picture they hold of themselves.
Maltz says, “See yourself with kind eyes.
Acknowledge your mistakes without seeing yourself as a mistake.
You are not your mistake.
You may be a mistake maker but you are also a mistake breaker.”
Is it possible that the same applies to humanity as an entire species?
We simply have a faulty image of ourselves, who we are and our role or impact on the planet;
and we’re trying to live up to that faulty image of ourselves as killer primates and in doing so create mayhem and misery instead of miracles.
In his book Deep Truth, Gregg Braden implodes severals myths we have about who we are as a species.
Such as?
Braden says that modern humans seem to have appeared on Earth rather suddenly 200 000 years ago and we’ve hardly changed at all since.
Also it seems that humans have been building complex civilizations far longer than we previously imagined. Recent archaeological findings take this date back to at least 12 000 years, double the period taught in school history books.
Braden showcases mounting evidence that suggests we are innately cooperative rather than competitive.
He also points out that Darwin’s Origin of Species and his concept of “survival of the fittest” directly impacted the thinking and mass extermination policies of both Hitler and Mao, resulting in the death of at least 50 million people in the last century.
Darwin changed his thinking in later years to co-operation and sympathy as the cornerstones for communal survival yet we can’t seem to let go of his older ideas.
Perhaps it’s time for us to see humanity with “kind eyes”.
Neale Walsch, in his book When Everything Changes says we make a quantum leap when we train our brain to ignore everything we think we know about a subject. You “Skip Past Your Past” then you re-route your energy to Awareness rather than Data. “This is like switching tracks in a train yard, from a track that just goes back to where the train has just been, to a spur that takes it to a place of rest. (p. 243)
Is it possible that it’s not an evolutionary leap that humans need to take right now but simply a change of perception of who we are? Do we need to “skip past our past” or our beliefs about ourselves and our species limitations in order to allow miracles to happen?
Perhaps, instead of an evolutionary shift in our species, all that is really called for is simply a “re-membering” of who we really are?
Braden writes, “ What if we found that the universe itself is directly affected by the power that we’ve hidden from ourselves for so long that we’ve forgotten it’s even ours? Such a radical paradigm shift would change everything. It would change what we believe about ourselves, the universe, and our role within it. It’s also precisely what the leading-edge discoveries of our day are showing us.” (Deep Truth, p. 245)
So perhaps the next step is applying Maltz’s theories to society in general. This would mean rewriting our history to raise the bar for ourselves and who we are as a species.
If you haven’t already got Maxwell Maltz’s self help classic Psycho-cybernetics on your bookshelf, do yourself a huge favor and get it, or the updated CD series The New Psycho-cybernetics . I’m busy listening to this in my car.
Highly recommended.
Topics: Being in transition, self esteem, spirit | No Comments »