Are you a Gifted Healer? (next topic call)

Saturday, March 29th, 2014

Are you a good listener, able to hold a space for others so that they can heal themselves? Or do you have healing hands? What does it actually mean to be a gifted healer? This is the topic we’ll be exploring this month in Earth School. On April 1, 2014 I’ll be interviewing Richard Unger […]

Gift Marker Call series starts today

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

I’m thrilled and honoured to announce that we will be exploring gift markers with Richard Unger over the next 12 months. This new monthly topic series starts today. Richard is the genius behind the concept of gift markers so this is a rare opportunity to get this information first hand, directly from the originator. The […]

Are you the power behind someone else’s throne?

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

In Konstanz, on the lake bordering Germany and Switzerland, there’s a wonderful 10m high statue that towers over a tiny harbour. She puts the statue of liberty in the shade. Her name is Imperia, created by artistPeter Lenk. She’s only been on the end of the jetty since 1993 but she’s already captured the imagination […]

Solving relationship problems – it’s in your hands (Interview with richard Unger)

Monday, February 7th, 2011

The next Earth School interview with Richard Unger is on Thursday 24 February 2011 We’ll be looking at how relationship problems show up in hands and how hands show you a broader picture and give solutions. This is an important call for Earth School. Why? Because hands show more than surface issues in relationships. Your […]

False hope vs clear vision

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Did you ever hear of the old African way to catch a monkey? First you dig a hole in the ground and put a banana in it. Then you cover the hole leaving only a very narrow gap. The monkey squeezes his hand into the hole to grab the banana but as soon as he […]

More feedback on the Judith Kravitz transformational breath workshop

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

I attended Judith’s transformational breath workshop last weekend and feel really blessed to have been there. I’ve never seen so much healing take place in such a short period of time. Nor experience it first hand. Judith had facilitators from England, Switzerland, Belgium and Turkey. All were really professional and deeply supportive. Participants were divided […]

Next call with Richard Unger – Burnout. It’s in your hands.

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Our next call with Richard Unger, author of LifePrints, is creeping up fast. Please go and type in your questions for Richard right now. Register here.