Feast week in Earth School?
Monday, April 25th, 2011This coming week is feast week in Earth School – the theme is transition. We’ve got 4 calls scheduled! Tuesday with Itzhak Beery – on how power animals can help you transition. Wednesday with Vaishali – her take on being in transition Thursday Italy’s Marina Bussaro – on how being present helps Also Thursday – […]
You are what you love
Sunday, April 17th, 2011Last Thursday’s call with Vaishali on the inner critic was an eye-opener. The call is now in the Earth School archives. You can to listen to the replay by logging in or here. Vaishali’s message is simple yet profound: you are what you love and you love whatever you’re giving your attention to. I find […]
Call with Vaishali in a few hours
Thursday, April 14th, 2011Do you have a little voice in your head that keeps criticising everything you do? You could have or should have done it better? How could you be so stupid? Etc etc… on and on it drones. At 4pm Swiss time, 10 am Eastern will be discussing this topic through fresh eyes with Vaishali, radio […]
Is there a positive side to the inner critic?
Thursday, April 7th, 2011Our next call on the inner critic is with Vaishàli Vaishàli of Purple Haze Press and you are what you love radio show. Vaishàli is a survivor of the inner predator and a woman of my own heart. She wears only purple. And knows how to play. A student of Swedenborg with a wonderful website […]