Serendipity, synchronicity, destiny and free will

By Jena Griffiths | August 20, 2011

During our call on Free will and destiny we discussed serendipity, synchronicity patterns and chance.

I spoke briefly about an event from my sailing days. Here it is in more detail.
atoll life
One morning at Cocos, 5 of us jumped into the dinghy at the crack of dawn for a very wet half-hour ride to the next island to catch the ferry to the other side of the atoll. We arrived just as the ferry was leaving and they very kindly allowed us to jump on board directly. They said they’d wait for Peter to tie up our dinghy but, as soon as he let go, the ferry roared off across the lagoon without him.

We’d seen a yacht nearby but hadn’t paid too much attention to it. Now, with so much time on his hands, Peter had a closer look and noticed that it was stuck on a reef and in danger of breaking up.
By the time he motored the dinghy out to it, the old Norwegian solo sailor had lost his voice and was in a total panic. He’d sailed into the lagoon before sunrise, hadn’t seen the lights of all the other yachts tucked in the lee of an island right in the entrance to the atoll. He didn’t have a detailed chart of the atoll are tried to sail straight across the lagoon to the ferry jetty which was way too shallow for any deep-keeled yacht. Peter used the dinghy to pull him off the reef and then jumped on board and helped him navigate the coral heads by sight until they were back in the bay where all the rest of the yachts were anchored.

I find it fascinating that the best person to help him ‘just happened’ to be left behind by the ferry at the appropriate moment.


dinghy ashore
I also find it fascinating that the person who rescuded him has 10 whorls in his fingerprints.
Service is his purpose and lesson.
To read more about the 10 whorl fingerprint pattern download Richard Unger’s 500 page eBook
LifePrints Deluxe

To access the call on Free Will and destiny go the the interview replay pages.

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