Manifesting through shared dreams

By Jena Griffiths | November 13, 2014

How to manifest what you want?
Here is a great post on this by online coach Samiel
Be an opportunity maker + be yourself.
Kare Anderson talking about this from the heart.
And Melissa Wadsworth’s guide book: a step by step template.
See Melissa’s 7 tips to get started below

How to do this?
Melissa Wadsworth has written a whole book on how.

Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community

Collective Manifestation is part self-help guide, part social-change manifesto.

Begin with yin
Says Kris Steinnes: This is “…a template to build what your heart desires. Whether it’s a community, a program, or a business, Melissa shares tools and meditation processes that will help you to begin the process and take it to a new level of awareness.
What’s particularly special in this template is that it begins with the energy – the yin process. Most of us are used to action – you make a decision, and go for it.”

7 tips from Melissa
1. begin with a clear intention
2. your talents and skills are no co-incidence (identify your vehicles for light)
3. create from the inside out (heart-mind is more powerful than ego-mind
4. tune into inner guidance (the answer to “what next'” is inside you)
5. align with like-minded people
6. hold energy for unimaginable progress (we barely scratch the surface of what is possible)
7. no more going it alone! (be the force of a unified heart)

What does change look like?
Collective Manifestation identifies primary energetic shifts that are inspiring people to connect in newly collaborative and creative ways.
Such as:

1. From exclusive to inclusive
2. From consumer to creator
3. From mental dictatorship to heart reception
4. From followers to initiators
5. From fearful control to trusting grace (allowing)
6. From hard work to inspired play
7. From limited to boundless
8. From ego-ambition to heart aspiration
9. From energy suck to energy exchange
10. From a calculating economy to a customizable economy
11. From existing on the Earth to being One with Earth
12. From isolation to belonging
13. From disconnected energy to activated potential

More about the forthcoming interview with Melissa

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