More writing by Jena Griffiths

Recently published articles accessible online:

Last cliffunpsychology magazine guest post about my sister’s final years.
(you can access with or without subscribing to Unpsychology. Simply choose your preferred option.
A poem The bombs are falling somewhere. Published in Edges, the multimedia 10th edition of Unpsychology magazine. Download the PDF version at no cost or purchase the beautiful printed version. My poem is on pages 153-6 ‘Til the stockpiling in my heart ends.
Blog posts on Earthuni blog and scroll through for posts not yet catalogued below.
Going nowhere fast? (The hidden gift) What lockdown teaches us about ourselves, our ancient nervous systems and how we respond to fear.
Can art triumph over violence? (On how art leads and how we can avoid a slide towards totalitarinism)
Poor me! It isn’t fair. What now? (The hidden benefits of letting go of your story.)
scroll down for older Earthuni posts
Published in other publications:
Feel like you don’t fit in?
Grace versus manifestation

Being the “I” of the storm
Firing our reptilian brains
Spiritual Speed test
Frequency and thought
Re-dreaming the future
Are you too strong to ask for help?

Life Purpose topics
For hand analysis and fingerprint topics, see Jena’s hand analysis blog.
What’s my life purpose? How can I live a more meaningful life?
Light vs lack
Transformation at your fingertips and lots more..
For general self help topics search posts in the earth school feed or under specific topics/categories in the sidebar of this page.
Also visit my Earthuni blog for the following:
Poor me! My biggest lesson last year.
Why reach out? Exercise your Expelliarmus
Flying too low? Think like a pilot
Facing resistance? Think like a pilot – part 2
Feeling stuck? Think like a cyclist
Are you infinite? Think like a cyclist – part 2
The war is over in your territory?
What’s happening in the world? think like a dentist
New fluid model of the psyche?

Sailing and cycling stories
Here’s one about bringing up a child onboard: Growing up afloat
Several sailing stories were published in various magazines under the name Jenni Griffiths.
Including one titled “Without a trace” about the disappearance of sv. Leviathan. This article, published in Cruising World, won runner up in the Gemar boat writer of the year in 1992.
There were also many cycling and triathlon articles published in the 80s and 90s under the name Jenni Griffiths, mostly in South African publications Tricycling and Pedal Power.

Some stories about relationships:
Are you a boy or a girl?
Is your husband in love with another woman?
Are you wearing storm-tinted glasses? A shorter version including hand markers related to this condition.

The ascended attitude of acceptance

Some humorous tongue in cheek yet inspirational posts from a previous blog by Jena:

Is God on holiday? (musings about manipulation)
How to feng shui yourself totally
On being the Witness
Humorous about living in Switzerland:
Ancient Swiss Secret to a classless Society December 2007
A Swiss remedy for global warming 2007
If the links no longer work I’ve duplicated them here on Earthschool:
Swiss Secret to a Classless society
Swiss remedy for global warming
More like this?

Roofless in Switzerland and the art of living backwards
Pooh democracy and the art of taking things personally
Control Fahrt

Are you putting the cow before the cart?

How to ho’oponopono your mother-in-law
Do you have a Beton Bottom?
Is your life in danger of being hijacked?
3 ways to improve your intuition
More from this series of older blog posts tucked in between the hand stuff here
A lot of articles and posts were published on an online platform called Zaadz 2006/7 pre-facebook days. All these posts are now no longer in existence. PDFs are available.