Are you guilty of Elephant-itis?

By Jena Griffiths | November 18, 2011

Jenna Griffiths in South Africa

(Not to be confused with elephantiasis, which is a genuine medical condition that affects millions of people in Africa)
“Elephant-itis” is a phrase made up by Richard Unger to describe only going after “the Elephant” (a big sale or massive project) and neglecting daily necessities that keep you and your family alive such as planting corn or bagging rabbits for the family pot.

In our recent call on success vs failure we discussed various ways people set themselves up to fail.
This was a big one.

We also discussed Richard’s 5 step process for getting on track:
– Start where you are
– Take one small step at a time
– Measure what you’re doing -be held accountable
– Give yourself a deadline – completion date
– Decide on a reward for completion

This call can be accessed in the Earth School archives.

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Topics: Fear of success/ fear of failure | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Are you guilty of Elephant-itis?”

  1. buy diablo 3 Says:
    November 26th, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    Wonderful publish. I’m struggling with a few these difficulties.
