Welcoming in the year of the Green Sheep

By Jena Griffiths | February 19, 2015

Rumour has it that the galloping pace of the last 12 months is being replaced by a more gentle collaborative mood today, first day of year of the Green Wood Sheep. Don’t get caught napping. 🙂 Time to clear out your clutter (if you haven’t yet done so) to make space for the new to come in. (I’m following my own advice today. Yikes did I really say that? What a task.)
Some inspiration? Tips on how to move the mountain instead of dissolving into overwhelm or delay?
Here is the replay of the call I did with Sue Rasmussen a couple of years ago on clearing clutter, overwhelm and indecision. It includes her Clutter Pyramid and her “body compass” exercise to use for solving what to keep and what to throw out (indecision). Sue says clutter is everything that doesn’t feel good for you. Just check your body. Your body expands or feels joy in the presence of anything that’s good for you.
Great way to sweep out the old and make space for the new.

Some gold nuggets from Sue
on clearing out clutter – it shifts you on a DNA level
ask your body whether to keep something (how does it make me feel? rather than how much I paid for it or who gave it to me).
on indecision – go clear out something in your house (anything) – this shifts energy.
If this doesn’t help the timing may not be right to make the decision. Lots more like this in the call.
on overwhelm – take one tiny step at a time (rabbit vs hare story).

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