Do you have a harsh inner critic? First call today

By jennagriffiths | March 24, 2011

Is this you? Do you have a constant inner companion

giving a harsh opinion on everything you do,
say or even think?
Here’s a story from my life

A couple of years ago I asked my son to
fine me 1 franc every time I said an unpleasant
but rather useful little word starting with s.

One day I said “sherbet!” and he said,
“Yay! You owe me a franc!”

I said, “But it didn’t even say the s word!
And he said, “Yes. But you were thinking it!”

The inner critic is just as bad as my son.
He fines us heavily, even for thinking
or perhaps for not thinking at all.

But instead of having the beady eyes of a cute
little boy on us from time to time,
instead it’s the cataract eyes a grumpy old man
24/7. And even though he can’t see clearly and
his opinions are usually one sided, still we
believe every word he says.

The thing to remember is, as with my son, you don’t
always have to agree with the fines he gives and,
more importantly, it helps to recognize –
actually he’s trying to help you.

Sometimes the inner critic can really get out of
hand. Like a wild beast who gobbles up your
dreams and fresh budding talents before
they’ve flowered or even seen the sunlight.

So what to do?
How to free yourself of this vicious internal

The first step is to see the voice as separate
from yourself and not necessarily accurate.

I’ve invited 3 experts to share their tool kits
with you.

2 of these calls are free, with people I deeply admire.

The specialist hand analysis calls are not free.

How can hand analysis help?

If you have very yellow hands this is a sign that
your inner critic is running rampant.
Also if you have a big brain or a very subjective
thinking style and lots of talent, just knowing this helps
you to see the wolflike shadow lurking on the wall
with different eyes – perhaps a figment of your
own beautiful mind?

In a few hours we have a call with Richard on this

topic. More information here:
(Members will get the links to this call in a separate email.)

Hope to have you with us on these calls.

May the wolf on your wall shrivel in all this harsh spotlight

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