Do you have Hephaestus in your bedroom?
By Jena Griffiths | March 20, 2012
Our next advanced hand shape call with Richard Unger is today.
Tuesday 20 March 2012. The topic Hephaestus.
Time: 11am Pacific. 7pm Central Europe. Elsewhere.
Who is he?
Hephaestus (also known as Vulcan) was the husband of Aphrodite in Greek mythology.
He was the finest, most creative craftsman ever but she thought he was a bore who worked too hard.
He’s that part of us that’s constantly torn between creativity and hard work.
Are you creative, playful and outgoing or serious, disciplined and introverted?
What happens if you are all of these, all at the same time?
Each of us is a delicious mix of conflicting flavours.
That’s what makes us each unique.
Are you Hephaestus?
If so, what does that mean? And what has this to do with you bedroom?
Join us for the next call in this fascinating series.
Register here.
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