Your 3 very different mastermind groups

By Jena Griffiths | February 6, 2012

Think and grow richThe importance of having a Master Mind group was first brought to our attention by Napoleon Hill in his 1937 classic “Think and Grow Rich.” But Hill also described a second type of master mind – a virtual mastermind made up of “invisible counselors”- people Hill admired and with whom he called up in his imagination to hold “cabinet meetings” nightly. At first Hill gathered this group together to borrow personality traits from them but eventually the group, and characters within it, took on a life of their own. Hill found himself adding more and more characters to his cabinet, from all time periods including the present. Hill wrote: “I now go to my imaginary counselors with every difficult problem that confronts my clients and me. The results are often astonishing….” Hill said that during these meetings his mind was most receptive to ideas, thoughts and knowledge that reached him through the sixth sense.

Last week, in part 2 of our call on Building a Successful Practice, Richard and I discussed this second imaginary master mind. Richard said that he also adds his own sub-personalities to his boardroom table – including characters that aren’t always positive, like “Mr Not Enough” or the inner critic. Often these sides of oneself have useful advice to offer and hearing them out often is all it takes to neutralize their sabotaging behaviours.

Perhaps we don’t need two master mind groups but three. The virtual group are really two distinct groups. The one group are spiritual guides or people you admire. The second virtual group are all parts of yourself, sub personalities or archetypes you can call on.
A lot of these archetypes are visible in your your hands. I often advise my clients to buy special clothing for the sub-personalities they wish to strengthen. Or breathe life into them by painting them or including them in collage work.

I like Richard’s idea of putting all your sub personalities around a board room table and making them part of your advisory board.

In the coming months we’ll be exploring many of these through hand shape, particularly the 16 archetypes we’ll be exploring with Richard in his advanced hand shapes course.
More about this course here.

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