Mother healing

healing our relationship with our mothers on a soul level

How you separate between your physical mother experience and her soul experience?
Is it possible to heal this relationship?
If I heal it would I still love her?
Why is it important to work on this issue?
How our mother relationship is tied up with our every day life and relationship with nature?

Listen to an interview with Itzhak on this topic.

Click here to download…
The relationship with our mothers, either alive or gone, shapes our intimate relationships, our trust with others, our confidence and self worth. Their voices keep guiding us throughout our lives.

Healing our relationships with our birth mothers will dramatically change the relationship we have with Mother Earth. It will allow us to live more authentically, powerfully, and harmoniously.

There are many things we never dared saying face to face to our mothers that really comes from deep in our hearts. So many truths we withheld from them. There are so many things our mothers never allowed themselves to share with us. We hold all those feelings in our physical bodies and they are imprinted in our souls. It has great impact on whom we become.

To join this workshop contact us.

Itzhak Beery’s European tour

Mother Healing Itzhak Beery shaman
Itzhak will be in Europe in the coming weeks.
In all cities offering teachings as well as personal healing session (Learn More)

Other interviews with Itzhak

Burnout and depression from a shamanistic perspective – access here
Power animals Acces here