Listening with your h(ear)t

By jennagriffiths | March 2, 2011

Your 3rd ear is for listening to inner guidance.
It’s tuned inwards because

earth university


as Marianne Williamson says: “The voice of the heart is the voice for God”

I made this image the other day. What do you think?

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Topics: spirit | 6 Comments »

6 Responses to “Listening with your h(ear)t”

  1. NaNa DiviNa Says:
    March 2nd, 2011 at 11:49 pm

    Great Jena,
    congrats’ for this inspired & inspiring image !

    I Love it, i resonate with it and i H(ear)t it indeed..

    Bless you, NaNa DiviNa

  2. jennagriffiths Says:
    March 3rd, 2011 at 12:13 am

    Dear NaNa thanks. Looking forward to coming to see your inspired work in Geneva some day soon.

  3. sue Says:
    March 3rd, 2011 at 3:19 am

    Great picture!
    Do we listen to our third ear too much or not enough Jen???
    Does the third ear give us an important messages we should re act to ????
    So is there a fourth ear and the gut feeling?

  4. jennagriffiths Says:
    March 3rd, 2011 at 10:02 am

    Ha Ha Sue. Maybe we need an image of a whole body covered in tiny ears.

  5. Kerstin Says:
    March 3rd, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    Hi Jenna, it looks to me like Superman’s (movie)upper part of his body (I know you took it from a Mary-picture..), when he pulls away his jacket and the big “S” appears. In this case the “super EAR” appears! I think a H-EAR-T-triangle would also be interesting as a symbol: a mouth – an ear – an eye…? To talk about the heart, to listen to the heart, to see into ones heart..- Your ear is good though:-)!

  6. jennagriffiths Says:
    March 4th, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Superman! Hmmmmm…
