For all Earth School podcast interviews by Jena prior to 2016, use the search button or list of topics to find what you are looking for.
Top 5 are here.
For more recent explorations, visit the Earthuni sister site.

Tuesdays with Richard

Jena Griffiths with Richard UngerEvery week over a 6 year period, Jena Griffiths interviewed her teacher of hands, Richard Unger, the genius behind modern hand analysis. Many of the interviews are freely accessible on this site. Register as a free member and then access them here.

Please note: The Richard Unger Library of calls and classes is being transferred to a new site specific to hand related topics.

All your Richard Unger classes and calls in Earth School and in Earthuni will continue to be accessible to you for the life of these websites but if you purchase any new calls all your calls will also be accessible to you through the new site which will also have new content, more notes and improved searchability.