What is Earth School?
Every month Jena Griffths interviews experts in various fields inviting them to share their wisdom with you.
Each month a different theme is explored.
How much does it cost to attend Earth School?
The seats in the main auditorium are free. This is where experts share their solutions to a monthly topic.
You can subscribe to the free calls here:
This is where you learn how to use the information in your hands to be a happy healthy successful you.
The first 6 months Jena has invited Richard Unger to come teach you in Earth School.
Richard is a genius at identifying markers and what they mean. Every month we’ll spend an hour with Richard looking at hand markers related to Earth School’s Monthly theme. We’ll also look at how this ties back to your own particular thesis in Earth School and how to use this information to manage your thoughts and emotions.
Put these dates in your diary right away.
- October 28, 2010,
- November 25, 2010
- December 16 , 2010
- January 27, 2010
- Febuary 24, 2011.
You’ll be able to submit questions before and during the calls.
You can join as a couple or as a single. We encourage you to bring a partner or friend along with you for the journey at no extra expense. Earth School is about using your fingerprints for conscious partnering.
What if you don’t have a partner or friend who wants to go on this journey?
No problem, we’ll team you up with another member. You’ll also have a support group of friends, colleagues and teachers who see, support and nurture your highest potential. Who encourage you, appreciate you and help you get what you need to fly.
Why Join Earth School?
Benefits for everyone
- Discover your life pupose
- Discover how to work with this information daily to re-dream your life
- Learn how your fingerprints are the key to mindfulness
- Learn practical tools for conscious evolution
- Learn how to manage your emotions around your “hot topic”
- Get genuine support
Benefits for hand readers
- Update and correct your hand analysis data base
- Learn how to correctly identify markers
- Be able to offer genuine solutions based on expert advice by specialists in the field under discussion.
- Learn a simple accurate way to read life purpose and life lesson from fingerprints
Early bird offer
Sign up before classes start on 23 September and you’ll get 2 for the price of one. You’ll have not only your fingerprints analysed free of charge but also those of a close friend or partner. Monthly Subscription is $37-00 for 12 months. Once you have subscribed you will be asked to enter a username and password and you will be given instant access to the Earthschool members area of this web site.
Put these dates in your diary right away. September 23 2010. 8pm central Europe . 2pm USA, Eastern, 11am Pacific. October 28, 2010, November 25, Dec 16th , January 27, Febuary 24th 2011.
Should you have any queries regarding this membership programme please feel free to contact me at jenagriffiths@bluewin.ch