Why Hand Shapes are Essential

hand analysis online classes

Understanding how hand shape helps you figure out your archetypes and career options.
Watch the other videos by clicking the tabs above.

Unlocking Your Purpose

Richard explained why it’s important to know your type to unlock your purpose.
We also discussed some of the archetypal shapes covered in Earth School over the last few years.
Plus some of the archetypes we will be covering in Earth School in the near future:

– Mars types like the Advocate
– Venus types, like the Starlet
– Moon types, like the Storyteller
– Finger tip types, like the Patriarch

Click here to join these calls or learn more about this new series.

Getting Into Costume

We briefly discussed the decoder type, the importance of getting into costume and also how to develop a rescue kit for when your type fails you.
Watch video 3 next – click the tabs above

The Storyteller Archetype

Click here to join the second series of Advanced Hand Shape Archetypes Classes

Hand Shapes Background

Bonus video – Richard explains the background thinking behind his advanced hand shape methodology.
Learn the Advanced Hand Shape types
Get instant access to Course 1 here

Join series two here. More Advanced shapes

What people are saying

What people are saying about this series

– Linda Bard
Advanced Hand Analyst

I’ve being reading hands for 20 years and teaching Richard’s system for
15 years. I subscribe to Jena’s classes with him because each time
new material comes up. It helps to maintain an exceptionally high
standard and I like to pass this on to my own students.
Richard has such a deep intuitive wisdom about hands and combined with
Jena’s probing questions rich new material rises to the surface.
Thanks Jena for making this series available. It’s a fantastic way for
us to access all the wisdom that Richard hasn’t yet written down.
– Pascal Stoessel

” I want to thank you so much for these calls with Richard. I can’t begin to tell you what a difference they are making for me in my ability to more confidently work with people. The information is invaluable and this is an amazing opportunity you have created for those in the hand analysis world.
So thank you a million times over!!!!”
– Linda Salazar

Brent Bruning
500 hundred Hands Project

– Barbara Vassalli
Master Hand Analyst

Kay Packard, M.A.,
Director American Academy of Hand Analysis

Make sure you too have access to this new material.
Join Earth School’s growing community of professional hand analysts here