Why Hand Shapes are essential

hand analysis online classes

Understanding how hand shape helps you figure out your archetypes and career options.

Unlocking your purpose

Richard explained why it’s important to know your type to unlock your purpose.
We also discussed some of the archetypal shapes covered in Earth School over the last few years.
Plus some of the archetypes we will be covering in Earth School in the near future:

-Finger tip types, like the Patriarch
– Mars types like the Advocate
– Venus types, like the Starlet
– Moon types, like the Storyteller

Getting into costume

We briefly discussed the decoder type, the importance of getting into costume and also how to develop a rescue kit for when your type fails you.
Coming Soon – video 4
– more on the Storyteller type and the Philosopher type.
Watch your mail box for your next training video.

Hand Shapes Background

As an added bonus we have given you access to a short video in which Richard explains the background to his advanced hand shape methodology.