Your Life – Is There a Map?

Exploring the Life Lessons with Richard Unger

lifePrints by Richard Unger, life lessons

During this series we explore the 10 Life lessons that show up in your fingerprints
with Richard Unger, author of LifePrints: deciphering your life purpose.
In each call Jena Griffiths interviews Richard on a different life lesson.
We explore:
What are the different variations of this lesson?
If this is your pattern, what to do?
How can you turn this around and live the exalted version of your life?
And lots more.
This is your chance to explore this series with the maestro behind a system that has
transformed hundreds of thousands of people’s lives.

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OR Purchase any individual call

Left Jupiter Lesson

Left Jupiter is the most common life lesson and deals with the desire system.
“I know who I am and I know what I want.”

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Access this call in Earth School’s free auditorium

Right Jupiter Lesson

Do you pull the trigger too fast
or do you not pull the trigger at all?

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Left Saturn Lesson

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Right Saturn Lesson

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Left Apollo Lesson

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Right Apollo Lesson

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Left Mercury Lesson


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Right Mercury Lesson

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Left Thumb Lesson

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Right Thumb Lesson


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