Thursday with Phyllis.

By Jena Griffiths | July 5, 2012

Our weekly calls with Phyllis Krystal have been postponed as it was too stressful for Phyllis to worry each week about whether or not her voice would be strong enough for the call.
You can learn Phyllis’s technique in the meantime through her book “Cutting Ties that Bind”.

Cutting the Ties That Bind: Growing Up and Moving On

Phyllis will walk us through the proper use of the figure of eight in a future call.

Please note, you need to practice the figure of eight at least two weeks before you finally cut ties with someone.
The final letting go ritual needs to be done properly. I recommend you get a friend to help you follow Phyllis’s method exactly as her book explains or seek help from someone certified in Phyllis’s system.
More about Phyllis Krystal.
Listen to our first call here. Phyllis walked us through her maypole exercise for connecting with higher guidance. (You can download the guided meditation as a separate recording on the same page.)
Recommend you use the step by step instructions in her workbook if you can’t find a facilitator near you.
Here is the Amazon version. Maybe it is also in your local bookshop.

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